December 28th, 2020
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Happy Holidays!
By Daddy
As the last few days of 2020 wind down I continue to celebrate Yule and I'm spending my time in quiet contemplation and there is a lot to contemplate. The Election, The Virus, The Violence, The Nashville bombing; all the stuff that has made 2020 such a dark year.
In 1650 Thomas Fuller wrote: "It is always darkest just before the Day dawneth" and it is my hope and wish that a new day is about to arrive. However, don't be mistaken, it's going to be a long and busy day that's in front of us.
We have bridges to mend, fences to be fixed, and pot holes to be filled. However we'll get through it, and we'll be the better for it. I guess what I'm saying is: "Don't give up now." Just as the 1920's tempered our Grandparents generation, the 2020's will temper our generation.
As the new year dawns, I will be taking my annual vacation and will be working on other projects. I look forward to seeing you somewhere towards the middle of January.
Be safe, Be Sane, Be Healthy; My blessings to all.
The bills are for the most part caught up. Like everybody else, I'll have to be careful and watch the pennies. Thank you to all those that have made it possible. Your help is always appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page