July 9th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy David of Palm Springs

It's Time to Check That Your Registered to Vote!
By Daddy
Las Vegas — We're less than two months from what will probably the most important presidential election of our lives. But you can't participate if you're not registered before hand. Check Vote.org to see what your registration deadline is and mark it on your calendar. In a lot of jurisdictions you can do it online.
Don't give my any gruff about your vote doesn't count. At the very least it sends a message. According to a survey back in November, twenty-one percent of LGBTQ are not registered. With a conservative estimate of 14 million LGBTQ in the United States that's over three million unregistered.
If you don't like the actions of the person currently in the oval office, it's time to vote him out of office. Several months ago I said I wouldn't vote for anybody that was in their seventies or eighties. At that time that still left three or so candidates to look at. But in light of >3 million COVID-19 cases and >130 thousand deaths, its time to change my message.
In the immortal words of Vicky Lawrence in the famous Elephant Story skit on the Carol Burnett show: "Are you sure that little assholes through?" Come November, I sure do hope so.
The Flirt4free commission is going to be much lower that usual, so it's one of those months to watch every penny. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page which has been updated with the new address.

Anderson Cooper Rips Trump’s Latest Reality-Defying Boast About Coronavirus
By Lee Moran
Hollywood — Anderson Cooper had to go to the tape to believe it. On Tuesday, the CNN host said he “didn’t actually believe” that President Donald Trump had made his latest claim about the coronavirus pandemic until he checked the recording. (More)

At Least Four Black Trans Women Were Killed During Pride Month
By Sam Manzella
.UNITED STATES — As people across the country continue to protest systemic racism and police brutality, two more Black trans women have lost their lives in quick succession. (More)

Town Rejects Pride — Organizers Ambush Locals With Event Anyway
By Mikelle Street
Emo — Pride marches have become increasingly bureaucratic and otherwise complicated affairs with permits, sponsors, wristbands, and more. This year, largely as a result of the ongoing global pandemic many events were canceled and those that continued on were mostly bare-bones affairs. One such event happened in Emo, Ontario, where hundreds gathered in an "ambush" event after the town council rejected a resolution to recognize June as Pride Month. (More)

Broadway Suspends Shows Through 2020
By Staff
Unknown — The Broadway League announced June 29 that Broadway performances in New York City will be suspended through the remainder of 2020 due to COVID-19, media reports noted. (More)

Mayor Pete Buttigieg Has a New Book Set for Fall, 'Trust'
By Associated Press
Print — "In order for our country to move forward in the years ahead, it will be more important than ever to build trust — trust in our institutions and leaders, trust in each other, and trust around the world in America itself," Buttigieg said in a statement. "Now is a time to consider the foundational role trust plays in our democracy, and what it will take to build the trust we'll need to recover and to advance as a country." (More)

How to Spot the Red Flags to Prevent Cyber Fraud
By Jason Dayal
Cyberspace — With COVID-19, many of us have seen an increase in our online traffic. Throughout this pandemic, we are doing what we can to keep afloat. As we keep our heads above water, so are the dishonest. Our industry is subjected to ransomware attacks, hacking, theft of sensitive information and theft of physical product. (More)

Margaret Atwood Schools Transphobes
By Vic Parsons
.CANADA — Canadian author Margaret Atwood schooled transphobes on sex and gender using science to shut down their terrible takes.
Slug sex, gay penguins and a transgender fish were among the examples Atwood used to show that “biology doesn’t deal in sealed Either/Or compartments”. (More)

Scientists Can’t Find Any Trace of HIV in Man Potentially “Cured” via Medication Alone
By David Hudson
.BRAZIL — Scientists believe a man in Brazil may have been potentially “cured” of HIV through the use of medication alone. The patient was placed on a new cocktail of antiretroviral drugs, along with nicotinamide, a form of vitamin B3. (More)

Rufus Wainwright's Career Has Never Followed the Rules
By Jeffrey Masters
Hollywood — Professionally, Rufus Wainwright has never been in the closet. His career launched with a self-titled album in 1998, making him one of the first singers at a major record label to be open about their sexuality. "I was dismissed somewhat as this...How can I say? This off-center, unusual creature" (More)