July 13th, 2020
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It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Anti-AdBlockers Suck!

We Loose Three More News Source
By Daddy
Las Vegas — The Web as we know it was invented in 1982 by one man, Tim Berners-Lee who's vision was to connect all the various pieces of information on the internet into one fabric easily available for free: "Most larger companies now see that for the market to grow, Web infrastructure must be royalty-free."
However that vision is slowly eroding away. Popup ads and surveys that you have to dismiss seems to be appearing on every site. Pop under ads leaving unwanted ads behind your window to be revealed when you close your browser. Pages with multiple animated ads that flash and sparkle at you from every possible location on the page including ads made purposely to look like content. Paywalls that block access to the content.
My solution is to use Adblock Plus who claim to fame is allow "Acceptable Ads." What is that you may wonder? "Acceptable Ads are ads that aren’t intrusive or annoying. They are respectful, don’t interfere with content, and are clearly labeled with the word “advertisement” or its equivalent. In order for an ad to be an “Acceptable Ad”, it must adhere to standards that have been set forth by the Acceptable Ads Committee."
Some site object to the use of an "Ad Blocker" such as ABP and throw up a nag screen to ask you to disable your ad blocker. Some allow you to continue and those I label as "Nag Sites." Some don't allow you to continue and my policy is if I can't read the content they don't get a mention. I do go back every now and then to see if the boycott has any results and some have resumed using Acceptable Ad policies.
The bottom line is if these practices annoy you then complain! If they get enough negative feedback they'll change their practices.
The Flirt4free commission is going to be much lower that usual, so it's one of those months to watch every penny. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page which has been updated with the new address.

Jesse Tyler Ferguson Just Announced Birth of First Child
By Mikelle Street
Hollywood — A modern family indeed! After first announcing that they were expecting in January, on The Late Late Show, Jesse Tyler Ferguson and husband Justin Mikita have announced the birth of their first child. (More)

Trump Wears Mask in Public for First Time During Pandemic
By Jonathan Lemire (AP)
Unknown — President Donald Trump wore a mask during a visit to a military hospital on Saturday, the first time the president has been seen in public with the type of facial covering recommended by health officials as a precaution against spreading or becoming infected by the novel coronavirus. (More)

Valentina Sampaio Is First Trans Model in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
By Daniel Reynolds
Print — Valentina Sampaio has made a splash in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit. The 23-year-old Brazilian model is the first transgender woman to be featured in the magazine. Sampaio was dubbed a 2020 Rookie in the issue, which will be released July 21. (More)

Boystown Board Agrees to Consider Scrapping Gendered Nickname for Chicago LGBT Neighborhood
By John Wright
Unknown — The Chicago Tribune reported Friday: Under pressure from a Change.org petition that complains about the gendered nature of the name Boystown, particularly in the context of local incidents of sexism, racism and transphobia, business leaders in Chicago’s most prominent LGBTQ neighborhood have begun the process of considering a name change. (More)

This Artist Reimagined the Seven Dwarfs as Smokin' Hot Daddies
By Taylor Henderson
Cyberspace — Instagram artist @silverjow's most recent project has reimagined Snow White's seven dwarfs as the beefy dads of your dreams, and we'd love to live in a house with these seven hunks. (More)

Could All Passports and IDs in the Future Be Gender-Neutral?
By Tris Reid-Smith
Unknown — The Dutch government thinks all passports in the future should be gender neutral and is scrapping gender markers on its national ID documents. The Netherlands is already one of the few countries in the world to allow people to have ‘X’ rather than ‘M’ or ‘F’ passports. Now it is going further by saying it won’t put people’s gender on national identification cards in the future. (More)

House Democrats Demand Military End the Ban on Trans Troops in Light of Supreme Court Decision
By Alex Bollinger
Washington — (More)

Supreme Court Contraceptive Ruling’s Impact on LGBTQ Rights
By Arthur S. Leonard
Washington — On July 8, the US Supreme Court, in a 7-2 vote, ruled that the Trump administration had not violated the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in adopting a rule that exempts employers with religious or moral objections from providing contraceptives to women under their employee health insurance plans (More)

SF Planners Find Harvey Milk Plaza to Be Historically Important
By Matthew S. Bajko
Unknown — San Francisco's planning department has concluded that Harvey Milk Plaza in the city's LGBTQ Castro district is historically important and eligible for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources. (More)