July 23rd, 2020
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More Tests in My Future
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Went to the Cardiac/Vascular doctor today. A friendly sort of fella, and cute to these old eyes. He was up front and the net result is that we're going to be scheduling a Angiography in the near future to check out my blood flow in the recalcitrant heel.
The Swift library that I've been working on has started to show signs of life. It needs to have the ducks in a row and in a particular order however it's starting to build without errors. I'm reviewing a SwiftUI course to fill in my knowledge gaps.The Flirt4free commission was in the mailbox; Watch every penny and barely scraping by but should be able to make it through the end of the month. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page which has been updated with the new address.

Mother Hosts Gender Reveal for 17-Year-Old Nonbinary Child
By Trudy Ring
Akron — A mother in Akron, Ohio, is getting national praise after giving a gender reveal party for her 17-year-old nonbinary son. Love Gwaltney and her husband, Brandon, started the party as parents generally do for expected babies, with a box that would release balloons revealing the baby’s gender, CNN reports. But when they opened the box, the balloons that came out were not pink or blue, but yellow, white, purple, and black, the colors featured on the nonbinary Pride flag. Son Grey Schoolcraft followed the balloons out of the box. (More)

New Memo Reveals Military Could Reverse Transgender Ban in Under 30 Days
By Staff
Washington — On the eve of the July 26 three-year anniversary of tweets announcing that transgender troops would be banned from the military, the Palm Center today released a policy memo explaining that the ban can be easily reversed in under thirty days. The memo was authored by retired Rear Admiral Alan Steinman, M.D., the former Surgeon General equivalent of the U.S. Coast Guard, and was endorsed by nine major military, LGBTQ, and progressive groups who all support ending the ban. (More)

Boris Johnson Says the U.K. Will Ban Conversion Therapy
By Sam Manzella
.UNITED KINGDOM — “It has no place in civilized society,” he added. “It has no place in this country. What we’re going to do is a study on where is this actually happening, how prevalent is it. We will then bring forward plans to ban it.” (More)

Netflix Cancels Production of Romantic Drama ‘If Only’ After Turkey Demands It Remove Gay Character
By Andy Towle
Streaming — Netflix announced the eight-part romantic drama in March. Produced by Turkish shingle Ay Yapim, If Only was set to feature Turkish film star Özge Özpirincci. But Netflix has pulled the plug on the show after authorities, citing the existence of a homosexual supporting character in the script, refused to issue a filming license. Instead of censoring the script, Netflix has decided to pull the series altogether. (More)

Max Arion, Drake Rogers Are Public 'Showoffs' for Lucas
By JC Adams
New York — Studio exclusive Max Arion and Drake Rogers enjoy a public movie theater tryst in "Fucking Showoffs," a new member-exclusive hookup for Lucas Entertainment. (More)

Porn-Banning Trend Hits Luxembourg, as Parliament Posts Petition
By Lawrence Avery
.LUXEMBOURG — As countries across Europe and around the world move toward placing severe restrictions and even outright bans on otherwise legal pornography, the tiny country of Luxembourg appears to be the latest to jump on the bandwagon. (More)

Christian Writer Matthew Paul Turner Comes Out as Gay, Divorces Wife
By Donald Padgett
Cyberspace — “Dear friends, I have difficult news to share,” wrote Turner. “After much thought, prayer, and counseling, Jessica and I have made the decision to end our marriage. While we’re best friends and thoroughly love doing life, parenting, and pursuing our dreams together, ending our marriage is necessary because I am Gay.” (More)

12 Things Straight People Think Are Gay
By Raffy Ermac
Cyberspace — Apparently it's not acceptable for straight men to have a daily hygiene regimen and use facial products (unless it's called something ridiculous and manly like "War Paint"). Only gays do that! (More)

City Probe Leads YMCA to Cover Gender-Affirming Care Nationwide
By Matt Tracy
New York — It all started with an anonymous tip three years ago. That’s all the New York City Commission on Human Rights (NYCCHR) needed to start snooping around the YMCA of Greater New York, which, according to an unnamed previous employee, offered its workers healthcare plans that did not cover certain medically-necessary transgender and gender-affirming services. (More)