November 4th, 2020
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Coverboy And We Wait

Too Soon to Call; Too Early to Call!
By Daddy
Las Vegas — At 9 pm Las Vegas time it seem everything is "Too Early To Call" or "Too Soon To Call." The election of this century and the last century is going to be very close. We really shouldn't expect any meaningful results for several days.
The only drama today was when a knock came to my door. It was my neighbor telling me that I had a flat tire. Luckily I had just paid the AAA bill, and they showed up and pumped it up. Took it to the tire store where they repaired it for free!
As is usual as we head into the holidays, money gets tight however November appears to be taken care of. To all those that have donated, Thank you for your donations!. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

'Elite's Omar Ayuso Strips Down in Sexy New Motorcycle Shoot
By Mikelle Street
Cyberspace — Omar Ayuso shot into our consciousness with Netflix's Elite, the soapy high school drama set in Spain. Within the show's first few season we fell in love as Ayuso's character (who is also named Omar) fell in love with Ander, and the two became a couple. The pair have gone through their trials and tribulations onscreen but on Instagram, Ayuso's as carefree as a bird. (More)

Election Day Shadowed by Threats of Legal Challenges
By Mark Sherman (AP)
Unknown — Even before Election Day, the 2020 race was the most litigated in memory. President Donald Trump is promising more to come. The candidates and parties have enlisted prominent lawyers with ties to Democratic and Republican administrations should that litigation take on a new urgency if a narrow margin in a battleground state becomes the difference between another four years for Trump or a Joe Biden administration. (More)

Pete Buttigieg Makes James Corden Choke Up by David Reddish 10 Hours Ago
By David Reddish
Hollywood — Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor, Democratic Presidential candidate, and advisor to the Biden/Harris campaign Mayor Pete Buttigieg stopped in at The Late Show With James Corden to make one final push for voters to get to the polls. The openly-gay politician also opened up about how he copes with stress. (More)

Political Flix: Election Films to Engage and Enrage
By Jim Provenzano
Unknown — While you're waiting for the real election results, which could takes days (or longer), take a gander at some election films. From fictional to biographical, comedic and dramatic to darkly satiric, politics have long been a fascination for filmmakers, perhaps because both more often rely on images and illusion over facts. Here's our Dem vs. Repub baker's dozen of movie choices. (More)

Homophobes Are Real Mad About Jonathan Van Ness' Uber Eats Ad
By Daniel Reynolds
Cyberspace — One Million Moms is evidently no fan of Queer Eye. The arm of the Family Research Council, classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, attacked Jonathan Van Ness and Uber Eats for featuring the reality star in TV commercials (More)

How to Watch Election Night 2020: The Definitive Hour-by-Hour Guide
By Andrew Romano, Christopher Wilson & Jon Ward
Unknown — We made it. Election Day is nearly here, and in a matter of hours we’ll find out whether this is the end of the campaign — or just the beginning of a protracted fight over who won. Remember, the grand prize is 270 Electoral College votes, a bare majority of the 538 electors who will meet in December to choose America’s next president. There is no second prize. (More)

Get Ready for the Annual Tom of Finland Emerging Artist Competition
By Christopher Harrity
Cyberspace — The purpose of this contest is twofold: to encourage artists to share their erotic work and to elevate the field of erotic art by rewarding some of the best current examples. The contest is open to any artist with the exception of previous winners of this contest, or artists who are already selling erotic work commercially. (More)

Orlando’s Iconic Parliament House to Close – With “Last Dance” This Weekend
By David Hudson
Orlando — After almost 45 years as a cornerstone of the Orlando gay scene, Parliament House has ended weeks of rumors by announcing that it will be closing at its current location. In a posting to its Facebook page this week, management said the Florida resort will close on Monday, November 2. The venue was a 112-room hotel, with several bars and a small theatre for guests and the public. (More)

Wonder at This Clip of Shawn Mendes Showering
By Staff
Streaming — Trust the thirsty gays to watch two minutes and twenty-three seconds of carefully curated footage paired with inspiring music, and focus primarily on a brief shower scene. Yes, we are including ourselves in that category. (More)