November 5th, 2020
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Coverboy And Still We Wait

Still Too Close to Call
By Daddy
Las Vegas — At 9 pm Las Vegas time we're still waiting for that magic 270 to be announced. Trumps path to victory is getting very narrow. Bidens path is easier but still isn't a surety. The Republicans have launched several law suits which is telling us what their mind set is.
Now that I'm a couple weeks from my birthday my mind is turning to what I want for my birthday. Traditionally I have given myself the best presents. The first idea is a new digital wall clock. The once I have now is ancient but it does sync itself to WWV. I've been cruising Amazon for one that still syncs the time automatically and provides a bit more information than I have now.
The other idea is a new camcorder as the one I have likewise is ancient and still uses tapes which are getting increasingly more difficult to edit. I'm keeping my eye on the Cannon refurbished web page and the Vixen HF80 which at $230 is hard to resist.
As is usual as we head into the holidays, money gets tight however November appears to be taken care of. To all those that have donated, Thank you for your donations!. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

TV Legend Stanley Baxter Comes Out as Gay at Age 94
By Donald Padgett
Cyberspace — Scottish actor, comedian, and performer Stanley Baxter came out as gay in a new authorized biography and revealed that his wife let him bring home men for sex while they were married. According to the Daily Mail, the 94-year-old legend tells biographer Brian Beacom in The Real Stanley Baxter of the inner struggles with his sexuality that haunted him throughout his life, and the heartbreaking relationship he had with his wife of 46 years, Moira. (More)

Biden Poised for 270; LGBT Cliffhangers and Winners
By Lisa Keen
Washington — President Trump made a shaky pitch at 2:30 Wednesday morning that he should be declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election and said he would be “going to the U.S. Supreme Court” to make it so. But standing in the way of his plan was the fact that Democratic challenger Joe Biden had more electoral votes and that vote counts in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada favored Biden. Those four states hold exactly the number of electoral votes Biden needs to win, legitimately. (More)

Ohio's Hamilton County Elects First Woman, First LGBTQ+ Sheriff
By Trudy Ring
Cincinnati — Democrat Charmaine McGuffey has won the race for sheriff of Hamilton County, Ohio, making her the first woman and first member of the LGBTQ+ community to hold the post. McGuffey, a lesbian, beat her former boss, Sheriff Jim Neil, in the Democratic primary in April, then defeated Republican Bruce Hoffbauer, a Cincinnati police lieutenant, in Tuesday’s general election. Hamilton County, which includes Cincinnati, is the third most populous county in the state. (More)

Nevada Voters Overturn Ban on Same-Sex Marriage
By Kevin Schattenkirk
Nevada — Question 2, which repeals the ban and now defines marriage as between couples, regardless of gender, also allows clergy and religious organizations the right to refuse to preside over such marriages, passed with a 62.1% vote in favor of the repeal and 38.8% not in favor. The constitutional amendment was already rendered moot with the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, but yesterday's vote effectively repeals the law from the books. (More)

“The True Adventures of Wolfboy” Is the Trans Allegory We Need Right Now
By Lawrence Feber
Hollywood — Being hairy is a plus for the bear community and its stans, but hypertrichosis, a condition that can give one a wolfman-like appearance, covering every inch of skin with fuzz, is way too “woofy” for the protagonist of The True Adventures of Wolfboy. (More)

Trump Sues to Stop Vote Counting in Michigan, Demands Recount as Biden Takes Wisconsin
By Andy Towle
Washington — As its path to victory grew narrower, Donald Trump’s campaign filed suit to stop the counting of ballots in Michigan. The Trump campaign demanded a recount in Wisconsin, which was called for Biden on Wednesday afternoon. (More)

Trump Campaign Falsely Accuses Gay Couple of Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania Lawsuit
By Adrian Garcia
Philadelphia — Philadelphia lawyer Adam Goodman was shocked to learn that an innocent Instagram post showing him prior to the Pennsylvania primary earlier this year wound up as “evidence” of voter fraud in the Trump campaign’s lawsuit against Pennsylvania. (More)

11 Gay Movies That Actually Have Happily-Ever-After Endings
By Cassie Sheets
Cyberspace — There are a lot of important gay movies that don’t have the happiest endings for gay characters, especially when those movies try to tackle important topics like homophobia or the HIV/AIDS crisis. Still, it can feel a little depressing when you keep seeing the same Bury Your Gays trope played out over and over again. It’s also important to see happy reflections of gay life in media. If you’re just in the movie for a fun film with a happily ever after ending, check out these 11 movies! (More)

This Dad Is Going Viral With His Hilarious Videos About Being a Single Gay Parent
By Graham Gremore
Cyberspace — José Rolón (a.k.a. @nycgaydad) is a single gay dad who has been going viral for his social media posts that poke fun at parenthood and gay culture simultaneously.
“I grew up in a machismo household with a father who yelled at me to ‘walk like a man and not like a f*ggot,’” the 44-year-old single dad tells TODAY. “If you had pulled me aside and said, ‘One day you’ll have a big, happy family,’ I wouldn’t have believed you.” (More)