October 30th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
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Coverboy Miguel of Boston

Daddy's Birthday Project
By Daddy
Las Vegas — This weekend is special to me, not because I'm pagan but because one of what I call "Cheer Leaders" was born on Halloween. Like a couple of my other cheerleaders, he was a part of the entrainment industry and rather well known. I was a part of the entertainment industry most of my life and I actually started out in broadcasting back in the 70s. Several of my cheerleaders had advocated that I return to broadcasting however I didn't want to return to the politics associated.
The Video Project
A few years ago I finally said: "Why Not?" however veered in a direction that my cheerleaders hadn't expected. I don't remember which video blogger caught my eye. He was having a wonderful time just being an entertainer of the type that I so loved to be forty years ago. I started putting what I call my "Micro Studio" together and ever so slowly I've been adding a piece of equipment at a time whenever I had some extra cash. It took a long time but I have the minimum I need for a one camera shoot.
It seems ironic that I decided to start vlogging on my 65th birthday because for so many people before me that's when they finally retire. I turn 65 on the day after Veterans day so I have only a few weeks to get started.
I want to do a startup video project before launching. I want to tear the current video setup completely down and build it back up (with some changes) while I film the build process. I have this firm notion that when you teach, you learn. There are things for me to learn as I update my 40 year old knowledge to todays tech. I can't afford a huge budget, in fact there isn't a huge budget. All there is enough cash in my "Cash Stash" for a modest stipend so we turn to:
Guerrila Filmmaking
According to Wikipedia "Guerrila filmmaking" refers to a form of independent filmmaking characterized by low budgets, skeleton crews, and simple props using whatever is available. Often scenes are shot quickly in real locations without any warning, and without obtaining filming permits
I have a deadline of 11/12/2020. I'm looking for a Production Assistant who I'm willing to talk through the various tasks. At the end of the day, they will be able learn the basics of lighting, video production, and sound. No experience will be needed. No heavy lifting will be required.
The plan is for a one day shoot in my apartment starting at noon and hopefully finishing by 8pm. It'll need to be done on one of my days off, so we'll be doing it on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. A small stipend can be provided as well as cheap meals. The sofa is tiny but available if need be.
Who Qualifies
There are several people who I feel would work out well and would benefit from the experience in both Las Vegas and perhaps Palm Springs I would prefer that it's someone that wants to the learn the basics of video production with an eye to their own video work or someone that wants to see how someone else does it old school.
I find myself to be suddenly shy in approaching these people directly because I don't want to put any pressure on them to basically give up a day of their life. So I'm doing what I normally do; I'm flinging it into the world with complete faith that it'll bring the right person to me.
You can contact me at [email protected] if you're interested.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress...

Pete Buttgieg Outsmarts MAGA Heckler
By Mikelle Street
Saint Petersburg — It's been a wild month for Buttigieg. As he noted in a speech in St. Pete, Florida Wednesday night the Biden-Harris ticket has asked a lot of him to help the campaign. They asked him to play Mike Pence opposite Kamala Harris in debate prep. Then, time and time again, they served him up to Fox News where he developed a reputation of leaving interviewers stumped. Now they have him flying across the country whipping up support. And on Wednesday night's event in Florida, he was doing just that in hopes to mobilize the LGBTQ+ community when a heckler interrupted Buttigieg's remarks wearing cargo shorts and a MAGA hat, seemingly livestreaming. (More)

Judge Orders USPS to Reverse Mail Collection Limits Now
By Colby Bermel
.UNITED STATES — A federal judge on Tuesday night ordered the U.S. Postal Service to reverse limitations on mail collection imposed by Trump-backed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, giving the agency until Wednesday morning to inform workers of the court's changes as more mail-in ballots continue to flood in. (More)

Love Blossoms Amid Pandemic, TikTok Turmoil for Two Creators
By Leanne Italie (AP)
Los Angeles — With love and pranks, Ian Paget and Chris Olsen are among millions of U.S. newbies looking to soak up social media stardom on TikTok. The Los Angeles boyfriends have amassed a steady stream of fans, with more than 4 million followers laughing and encouraging them in comments on their goofy dance videos, heartfelt vlogs, and affirmations during a tumultuous time for the world and for the popular platform. (More)

Top Federal Election Official Schools Trump:
By Jake Johnson
Unknown — Countering President Donald Trump’s false suggestion Tuesday that tallying votes after Election Day is unlawful, a top official at the U.S. Federal Election Commission said that in fact “counting ballots—all of ’em—is the appropriate, proper, and very legal way to determine who won.”
“An election is not a reality show with a big reveal at the end,” Ellen Weintraub, an election attorney and a Democratic commissioner at the FEC, tweeted in response to Trump’s insistence that a winner be officially declared on the night of November 3. (More)

RuPaul Puts on His Jingle Jammies for Festive Old Navy Commercials
By Christopher Rudolph
Hollywood — Usually when we say “old,” we’re talking about Lady Bunny. In this case, we mean the affordable fashion retailer Old Navy, which has a new holiday campaign featuring supermodel of the world, RuPaul. (More)

FCC Takes New Vote on Net Neutrality Repeal, Comes to Same Result
By Lawrence Avery
Washington — In October of last year, the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington D.C. issued a ruling upholding the Federal Communications Commission’s 2018 repeal of federal net neutrality rules. But the court pointed out three areas of concern, instructing the FCC to go back and re-evaluate the repeal by answering those questions.
On Tuesday, the five-member FCC board decided that the court’s concerns were not concerning at all, voting 3-2 along party lines Tuesday to affirm that the 2015 Obama-era net neutrality rules should remain repealed. (More)

Senate Candidate Rev. Warnock on 'Religious Freedom' and LGBTQ+ Rights
By Staff
Unknown — For a decade, Georgia resident Gerald Bostock worked for the Clayton County juvenile court, recruiting volunteers to help represent the interests of children in the criminal justice system. During his time as volunteer coordinator, Bostock achieved 100 percent coverage for clients in the Clayton County child welfare advocate program and received stellar performance reviews for his work. But in 2013, three months after joining a local gay softball league, Bostock was abruptly fired and escorted out of his office in the Clayton County Youth Development and Justice Center. He never returned, but his case went all the way to the Supreme Court. (More)

Pride Flags: The Biggest Guide to LGBT+ Rainbow Flags and What They All Mean
By Tris Reid-Smith
Cyberspace — However many rainbow Pride flags you’ve seen, we guarantee you don’t know them all. Until now. It all started in 1978 when a San Franciscan artist, Gilbert Baker, created the first rainbow flag to represent the LGBT+ community. As its designer, he could have slapped a copyright on it, and probably become a millionaire. But instead he allowed anyone to use it – making it a gift to the world. (More)

10 Last-Minute Queer Halloween Costumes That Aren't Totally Lame
By Raffy Ermac
Cyberspace — You promised yourself last year that you wouldn't wait until the eleventh hour to create a festive, spooky outfit because you were jealous that your friends served these fabulous, cool, colorful, over-the-top looks and all you did was tie some fabric around your waist. Well, for whatever reason, you're back on your BS and in desperate need of a costume that makes it look like you actually have your shit together. Luckily for you, we're here to help out! (More)