March 4th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

Coding the New Menu System
By Daddy
Las Vegas, NV — The major difference between the old menus and the new menus is that the old menu system only knows about "Daddy" and "Guest." Under the V3 system we'll have as many "roles" as are needed. We'll start with four of these roles, I'm currently figuring out what roles get to do what.
We've another lull in the incoming reviews, so I'll using the extra time to work on menus and location database.
I've started the Chicken Soup and the smell is wonderful! Of course, we all know that Chicken Soup is good for what ails you. The soup to should tide me over for the week. I don't want to be going out while I'm still recovering from the flu/cough/whatever.
It's very tight however I have just enough to cover that one large bill I was talking about. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

The "olympics" of LGBTQ+ Bartending Just Began
By Staff
Key West — Out is proud to present the 7th Annual Stoli Key West Cocktail Classic, the fierce competition running from March to June 2020 as a multi-city national tour featuring diverse LGBTQ+ talent, donation prizes for charity, and surprises you don’t want to miss. (More)

Boston Boîtes :: Cabaret Scene Rebounds with Punch
By John Amodeo
Unknown — Something very special, almost miraculous has happened in Boston's cabaret scene, which until a year ago had been on life support for more than a decade. During that time, few local cabaret artists were performing in the intimate boîtes that epitomize the cabaret experience. (More)

Bob and Sasha Velour Dish on the Drag Race Season 12 Premiere
By Brandon Voss
Hollywood — On the return of VH1’s digital series The Pit Stop, new host and Season 8 winner Bob the Drag Queen sits down with Season 9 winner Sasha Velour to open the library on last night’s Season 12 premiere—part 1, henny. (More)

Walking Dead Actor Daniel Newman Drops Another Super-thirsty Selfie
By Staff
Cyberspace — Walking Dead and Eastsiders actor Daniel Newman sent his followers’ jaws dropping over the weekend after dropping a selfie featuring his torso on his social media accounts on Sunday. (More)

Why I’m Endorsing Elizabeth Warren
By Brian Sims
United States — Few people know that the district I represent in Pennsylvania’s General Assembly is part of the same district represented by Benjamin Franklin some 260 years earlier. Franklin’s connection to my own home, and to our national identity, is a heritage that I reflect upon often as I’ve navigated battles for LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, racial and ethnic justice, and criminal justice reform. (More)

Bad Bunny Opens Up About Sexual Fluidity, Won’t Rule Out Being with a Man
By Graham Gremore
Unknown — Puerto Rican rapper and longtime LGBTQ ally Bad Bunny made headlines in January with the release of his music video “Caro,” which left many wondering if he might identify as queer. Now, in a new interview with the LA Times, he’s setting the record straight. Sorta. (More)

Man Kissing His Boyfriend in Adhas Become the Queer He Needed to See When He Was 12-years-old
By Lily Wakefield
Unknown — he beautiful photograph of Michael Allsopp, 24, kissing his real-life partner Sean Somal was part of Durex’s “challenge the norms” campaign. Allsopp wrote on Instagram: “At around 17 years old I took a vow that as I grew older I would be the queer that I needed to see when I was 12 years old. That 12 year old boy who was really struggling and couldn’t see a way out. (More)