March 11th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Josh Promo of Los Angeles

Two Down, One to Go...
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Went to to the GP doctor today. I'm very tired and the rain here in Las Vegas which means that all my joints are complaining and all I want to do is set some more sleep. I need to be up early tomorrow for three of three.
I'm coasting until about the 19th. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Bruno From Bravo’s 'below Deck' Is Doing His First Gay Porn
By Mikelle Street
Unknown — The line of reality stars going into adult content continues. The latest: Bruno Duarte from Bravo’s Below Deck. If you don’t know much about Duarte, here’s the quick and dirty: he’s from Portugal, and got his start in hospitality there. Before long he was working cruise ships , where he eventually found himself as a cast member of Below Deck in season five. And for a while, no one knew he was gay, mostly because they didn’t ask. (More)

Second Man Cured of HIV Confirmed
By Kilian Melloy
Berlin — The world was given a jolt of hope when, in 2010, the news broke that a Berlin man had apparently been cured of HIV after a bone marrow transplant he received in the course of cancer treatment. (More)

I Am Jonas, This Month on Netflix
By Bobby Hankinson
Unknown — Follow young Jonas across two timelines in this French feature. Learn how a whirlwind relationship with Nathan in his youth changed his life forever. (More)

Canada on Brink of Banning Conversion Therapy Nationwide
By Trudy Ring
Canada — Canada is considering legislation to restrict conversion therapy nationally. David Lametti, the nation’s justice minister, and Bardish Chagger, the minister of diversity and youth, introduced a bill to that effect Monday afternoon, CTV News reports. (More)

Pose Cast and Crew Share Pics From First Days on Season 3 Set
By Brandon Voss
Hollywood — Pose’s third season started shooting this week, so cast and crew members treated fans to a behind-the-scenes look at their first few days back at the balls.
Focusing on gay and trans performers in New York City’s 1980s and 1990s ballroom scene, Pose, created by Ryan Murphy with producers Brad Falchuk and Steven Canals, has made history with the most trans series regulars in an American scripted TV series. (More)

FSC Issues Statement on Utah Adult Warning Label Bill
By Rick Thomas
Unknown — The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has released a statement regarding Utah HB243, which would require all adult content in the state to include a warning label. The bill has now passed both the Utah House and Senate. (More)

US Man Offers $660,000 to Find Killer of His Gay Brother in Australia
By David Hudson
Unknown — The American brother of a man who was killed over 30 years ago in Australia has offered a reward of AUS$1million ($660,000) to help find those responsible. The reward money comes in addition to another AUS$1million already offered by New South Wales Police. (More)