March 17th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Zane Woods of San Francisco

That's A Spicy Meatball!
By Daddy
Las Vegas — It turns out that those were spicy meatballs. The soap turned out spectacular, not nearly as bland as one would assume. Going back to bed as I have a trip to the wound doctor this afternoon.
The wound doctor (i.e. hospital) is taking more precautions, they're asking everybody to: "Gel Up" in the waiting room. My wound is slightly smaller so the Doctor is once again being happy. At the grocery store they have a sign at the front door saying they're only letting 25 people in at a time one as they open up. Nary a bottle of bleach to be seen and apparently people have been talking to the older generation as staples are running low.
I'm currently "sheltering in place," and only going out when I absolutely need to. Thank-you for your concerns, I'm being extremely careful not to overextend myself as I'm in the high risk group. Planning on another soup later in the week, this time a beef stew which is just about as easy to make as the pork meatball soup. Please be careful out there as we're still weeks away from the peak of the coronavirus.
I'm not catholic however very proud of Pope Francis who went on walkabout Sunday to visit two churches AP News Story. This is a 83 year old man with only one lung which places him in the extremely high risk category. This simple understated act must mean so much to the Italians that are currently under lockdown. I join his His Holiness in his prayers for the end of the pandemic.
I'm coasting until about the 19th. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Watch Pete Buttigieg Say He's '38 Years Too Gay' to Be President
By Mikelle Street
Hollywood — "Running for president was an amazing experience," he said. "The support our campaign got was unbelievable and I really thought we had a shot. But, turns out I was about 40 years too young and 38 years too Gay." Well then! (More)

Victoria Beckham: David Like A 'tractor Exhaust Pipe'
By Staff
Unknown — David Beckham turned heads with his most famous Emporio Armani underwear with many wondering if his junk wasn't getting sock assistance. "According to David's wife Victoria: "Becks is not only handsome and talented, but he's also incredibly blessed in the downstairs department." (More)

Joel Kim Booster’s Gay Fire Island Rom-com Gets Greenlight
By Brandon Voss
Unknown — Here’s some good news that may have slipped through the coronavirus cracks this week. Quibi, a new short-form digital streaming service, has greenlit Joel Kim Booster’s Trip, a gay rom-com series set on New York’s famed Fire Island, Deadline reports. (More)

Cops to Coronavirus Crowds: Don't Call 911 If You're Out of Toilet Paper
By Gael Fashingbeuer Cooper
Oregon — It’s hard to believe that we even have to post this. Do not call 9-1-1 just because you ran out of toilet paper. You will survive without our assistance. In fact, history offers many other options for you in your time of need if you cannot find a roll of your favorite soft, ultra plush two-ply citrus scented tissue. (More)

Can Masturbation Help Prevent COVID-19?
By Donald Padgett
Unknown — Masturbation won’t cause unsightly hair to grow on your palms, but it may help you boost your immune system and beat off at least one type of cancer. That’s according to two studies that examined the effects of masturbation on the immune system and the incidence of prostate cancer. In this time of COVID-19, travel restrictions, and self-quarantines, many people are looking for every opportunity to bolster their immune systems. Thankfully for most men, one way to stay safer is as close as that hairless palm of your hand, and studies about the positive effects of masturbation on the immune system have been making the rounds on social media. (More)

FSC Calls for Voluntary Shutdown of Adult Production
By Gustavo Turner
Los Angeles — Adult industry trade group the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has updated their coronavirus advisory tonight, calling for "a voluntary shutdown of all adult entertainment productions in the United States and Canada through Tuesday, March 31." (More)

Cis Doctor Who Specialises in Treating Trans Patients Gives Himself Gender Dysphoria
By Lily Wakefield
Michigan — William Powers, a cisgender doctor who specialises in treating trans people, accidentally gave himself gender dysphoria for two days, giving him a major insight into the experiences of his patients. (More)