March 6th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.

It'll Be A Busy Weekend
By Daddy
Las Vegas — The top of the ToDo list is to add memory to by iMac so that I don't get the "Rainbow Wheel Of Death" as often. Then it'll be time to test the new menu system which is coded and waiting to be turned on. Next I plan to update the UN/LOCODE database as I have a update to apply (Its updated twice a year.) I plan to switch the News teaseers to the new location database as it's easy for me to tell the old location codes from the new location codes.
The wound nurse is concerned that I have "diminished chest sounds" so it looks like whatever I have is settling in my chest. Next week I have three Doctors appointments and so I suspect that a chest x-ray in my near future. I have more chicken stock in the freezer so I'm going to be making another pot of chicken soup, I may even put noodles in it this time. For now I'm taking decongestants, lots of fluid, and lots of rest.
We're barely have enough reviews to do reviews next week. They're starting to show up sporadically. I suspect that we seeing the impact from the coronavirus.
I'll go shopping tonight (where else but Vegas can you go shopping at 3am?) I have just enough to do one shopping trip to get the supplies to be a hermit for another week. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

The ‘onlyfans for Warren’ Gay Was Just on ‘the Daily Show’
By Mikelle Street
Hollywood — It was only a few weeks ago that Twitter user and OnlyFans creator Kenny launched a little campaign of his own in the midst of the presidential election. The premise was simple: donate to Elizabeth Warren, see him naked. And boy has it taken off. What started as a joke has turned into a grassroots campaign of sorts that has seen the porn performer raise over $6,000 and land an interview on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. (More)

Warren Reevaluates, Bloomberg Drops Out After Super Tuesday
By Steve Peoples and Bill Barrow (AP)
Unknown — New York billionaire Mike Bloomberg suspended his presidential campaign and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren was reassessing her candidacy Wednesday as the winnowing process in the Democrats' 2020 nomination fight lurched forward after a consequential Super Tuesday. (More)

How Harvey Fierstein Broke the Gay Dry Spell on Cheers
By Andy Towel
Cyberspace — Last month, Culture Cruise host Matt Baume looked at the ’80s sitcom Cheers’ first foray into Gay subject matter, and how it tackled homophobia at a time when the AIDS crisis was in its early stages. This month, Matt’s back with a fascinating look at how Harvey Fierstein broke a long dry spell of Gay representation on the show and he also gives us a look at why Fierstein’s career in general was so groundbreaking.. (More)

The Other Six Queens Sashay Into the Workroom in New “drag Race” Clip
By Christopher Rudolph
Unknown — Last week’s Season 12 premiere of RuPaul’s Drag Race was one for the herstory books. Not only did we meet some of the new girls competing for the crown, fans also saw Nicki Minaj slay as the season’s first special guest judge. (More)

Trans Pop Artist Jakk Fynn Emerges Stronger From a Break-up in Heal
By Tracy E. Gilchrist
Hollywood — The end of a relationship is the beginning of something new in “Heal” from Jakk Fynn, a “transmasculine Latinx pop artist with pop-punk and post-hardcore musical roots!” And The Advocate has the exclusive video premiere of the “Heal” video off of Fynn’s EP, Cancelled. (More)

College Student Says He’s Never Been Able to Achieve an Orgasm Despite Having Sex for Hours
By Graham Gremore
Cyberspace — A Gay man from Brighton, England is at his wit’s end after he says he’s never been able to achieve an orgasm during sex. Tapodeb Mukherjee appeared on this week’s episode of The Sex Clinic, a U.K. reality series that features sexperts talking about everything from penis pumps to what to do when you find our you’re missing a testicle. (More)

Meet EJ Scott, Whose New Exhibition Queer the Pier
By Vic Parsons
Brighton — An unprecedented exhibition that delves deep into Brighton’s queer history has been put together by curator EJ Scott. Queer the Pier takes Brighton’s renowned pier as a symbol of the city’s ongoing reputation as a place where people of all genders, sexualities, social classes and ethnic and religious backgrounds have sought pleasure, liberation and fulfilment. (More)