March 10th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Erik of Budapest

One Down, Two to Go...
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Went to to the wound doctor today. He's starting to see the impact of coronavirus. Referrals are down, and he's getting a lot of cancellations.
Added the virtual locations (i.e. "Cyberspace", "Broadway") to the new locations table other than that I'm taking it easy. I'm doing laundry right now including a bleach the whites session. (right! taking it easy!)We've about a weeks worth of reviews in the queue so I'm restarting reviews. They are still being sporactic, which I attribute to the coronavirus scare.
I'm coasting until about the 19th. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

The 7th Annual Stoli Key West Cocktail Classic Premiere in Dallas
By Staff
Dallas — The world’s largest LGBTQ+ bartender celebration, the Stoli Key West Cocktail Classic, is back as Stoli Serves Pride by honoring the legacy of our gay bars as the original LGBTQ+ community centers and recognizing the Bar Stars who continue to excel today with this year's theme of "The Stolimpics". (More)

How Senior Care Is Failing Australia's LGBTQ Population
By Staff
Australia — Older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI+) people fear discrimination, exclusion and isolation in Australia's aged care services, we found in our research. (More)

Pete Buttigieg Announces He’ll Guest-host Jimmy Kimmel Live
By Staff
Hollywood — Pete Buttigieg appeared on the TODAY show Monday morning to discuss recent developments in the 2020 race and make an announcement. Buttigieg responded to remarks by Bernie Sanders on ABC’s This Week Sunday that “the establishment” forced him and Amy Klobuchar out of the 2020 race. (More)

Joe Biden Releases Plan for LGBTQ Equality
By Trudy Ring
Washington D.C. — Biden promises to make enactment of the Equality Act during his first 100 days as president a top legislative priority, reverse the transgender military ban as well as military policies that discriminate against people with HIV, work to end suicide among LGBTQ young people, end the misuse of religious exemptions to enable anti-LGBTQ discrimination, address violence against LGBTQ people (something especially affecting transgender women of color), and more, according to a document issued by his presidential campaign. (More)

Power Rangers Rumored to Be Getting First Gay Ranger
By David Reddish
Unknown — Rumor alert, to anyone who takes their rangers with a dose of power: the upcoming Power Rangers cinematic reboot will feature a gay blue ranger.
The news comes via Hollywood gossip site We Got This Covered, so take it with a grain of salt. That said, the 2017 Power Rangers movie also hinted that the Yellow Ranger (played by Becky G) also had an attraction to women. This rebooted version will feature a more overt gay character, possibly intended as a nod to David Yost, the Blue Ranger in the original 90s TV series. Yost has since come out as gay and revealed the shocking amount of homophobia he endured on the set. (More)

FSC Meets with Author of Contentious AB2389 Bill
By JC Adams
Los Angeles — The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) met with California Assemblymember Cristina Garcia this week about "the future of AB2389" and its "potentially harmful impact" on adult performers. (More)

Sir, Tan France Doesn’t Want to French Tuck You in the Toilet
By Brandon Voss
Unknown — The "Queer Eye" guy reveals what happens when fans follow him into the restroom. “They ask me a lot. It’s usually something called a French tuck, so people will ask me to French tuck them,” France says, explaining his signature styling trick of tucking in just the front of a shirt. (More)