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March 25th, 2020

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Daddy Logo

So Far So Good...

By Daddy

Las Vegas — The news last night was produced from the test server. Tonight we'll attempt to do both the news and the reviews from the test server. Eight "Priority" issues of thirty-four on the "Enhancement" list. The top item is switching news from the old location database to the new location database.

I got up at a ridiculous hour so that I could get to the store at 7AM for the "Senior" hour. I scored a twelve pack of toilet paper which is a blessing as I had only one roll left in the bathroom. It felt like the 1950s with only one brand available. Like what Ford said: "You can have any color as long as it's black!" I'm perfectly happy to have the Kroger brand!

Still sheltering in place and currently binge watching "Person of Interest," which is riveting and has compelling plots. If you are into tall, dark, and handsome this is a stoic man for you.

Coasting until the end of the month; To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Out.com Logo These New Coronavirus-inspired Tracks Are the Bops We Need

These New Coronavirus-inspired Tracks Are the Bops We Need

By Mikelle Street

Cyberspace — MNEK is a talent! This is not new news. In fact it's the reason that his list of collaborators is so long: Dua Lipa, Christina Aguilera, Kylie Minogue, Beyonce, Madonna, the list goes on. All of your faves go to him for writing and production on their hits. (More)

Edge Logo

Prince Charles Tests Positive for Coronavirus

By Staff

Unknown — The 71-year-old is showing mild symptoms of COVID-19 and is self-isolating at a royal estate in Scotland, his Clarence House office said. (More)

TowleRoad Logo Trevor Noah Has a Brilliant Idea for Limiting the Reach of Donald Trump’s Constant Lies

Trevor Noah Has a Brilliant Idea for Limiting the Reach of Donald Trump’s Constant Lies

By Andy Towle

Hollywood — Recently, Rachel Maddow called on the press to stop airing Donald Trump’s “fairytale” news briefings because they’re filled with lies and misinformation, like touting drugs for coronavirus which have not yet been approved. But The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah has another idea, which wouldn’t require the briefings to be taken off the air. (More)

Logo Logo

Horny Gays, Rejoice! Just for Fans Is Keeping Your Favorite Performers Hard at Work

By Staff

Unknown — Any online gay can tell you that since the coronavirus has forced us into our homes, our collective thirst levels have spiked. Scantily clad or completely nude selfies overwhelm our newsfeeds, and everyone, including myself, has taken our salacious online behaviors to more public forums. Honey, we can’t quaran-tain ourselves! (More)

Advocate Logo LGBTQ Youth Among the Most Vulnerable as Homeless Centers Close

LGBTQ Youth Among the Most Vulnerable as Homeless Centers Close

By David Artavia

United States — As COVID-19 continues to invade our lives, keeping the majority of Americans (and much of the world) in self-isolation in hopes that it will slow the rise in cases, one specific population is at exceptionally high risk: LGBTQ youth.

A new report by Reuters shines a light on the closures of homeless centers across the United States, many of which have been forced to "follow safety precautions over social distancing" on many local levels. (More)

AVN Logo

Pornhub Sends 50,000 Protective Masks to New York

By Michael French

Cyberspace — In addition to handing out free premium subscriptions during the shutdowns caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the porn megasite Pornhub has now made an even more meaningful donation. According to a report by the New York Post on Tuesday, Pornhub has shipped 50,000 protective face masks to healthcare workers and first responders in New York City and surrounding areas. (More)

Pink News Logo Eurovision Song Contest Special Rises Like a Phoenix

Eurovision Song Contest Special Rises Like a Phoenix

By Nick Duffy

Europe — The BBC has announced that despite the pan-European song contest not going ahead due to the coronavirus pandemic, it will still air a celebration of Eurovision on May 16.

The UK’s regular commentator Graham Norton will narrate the special, which will take a look at acts that were set to compete at the first Eurovision to be cancelled in the show’s 65 year history – as well as recapping some “classic” Eurovision moments. (More)