October 23rd, 2020
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Coverboy Eddie of Miami

What a Difference...
By Daddy
Las Vegas — What a difference a mute switch can make. The best part of it was you could hear the click of the switches as they were flipped on/off. She handled it the way the old time talk radio host managed it. Both side acted with much more decorum.
Trump was still doing the "Poor Me" everybody is attacking me, everybody has done bad things. Biden was taking it in stride and getting on with his message.
This is starting to look like an election that's going to set records. We've already have close to 50 million votes. That's almost 36% of the number of voters from the 2016 election.
Your vote is important! If you're in one of those states that mailed you a ballot to fill it out, do so, put it in its envelope, and sign the certification on the outside. Then take it to your polling place. You don't need to trust USPS to get it that last mile.
I was up early to take care of the lease on my apartment and I went to bed at 2pm fully expecting to be up for the 6pm debate. I woke up a midnight feeling really good and I'm watching the debate as I write this.
As is usual as we head into the holidays, money gets tight however October appears to be taken care of. To all those that have donated, Thank you for your donations!. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Preview Mike Ruiz's Hunky, Charitable 'Pecs and Pitties' 2021 Calendar
By Mikelle Street
Cyberspace — It's that time of year again! The time when you know things are about to be over because you're already making your plans for the next year. And if you're organized (or just maybe a little thirsty) that time of year always comes with the process of picking out a new calendar. This year, photographer Mike Ruiz is back, with the latest edition of his 'Pittis and Pecs" Calendar to steal your attention. (More)

Deafness, Disasters and Difference: The Lavender Tube on Deaf U., Cobra, and 'First Day'
By Victoria A. Brownworth
Cyberspace — We have never needed a break from political TV more than right now, with Election Day and the expected aftermath looming. The President of the United States didn't die from his bout with the coronavirus after getting unique experimental treatment unavailable to anyone else in a world-class hospital, so now he thinks COVID-19 is not so bad. But more than 8 million Americans have been infected and more than 220,000 have died. (More)

NakedSword Originals Rolls Out Debut of 'Salty Boys'
By JC Adams
San Francisco — NakedSword Originals has announced the debut of "Salty Boys" from director Marc MacNamara. Filmed on location off the coast of South Beach, Miami, it was the company's first feature to go into production following the quarantine lockdown earlier this spring (More)

Citi Bank Allows Trans, Nonbinary Cardholders to Use Chosen Name
By Staff
New York — Citi announced transgender and nonbinary customers will no longer be forced to use birth names on eligible credit cards. The move is part of the “True Name” program with Mastercard, which offers approved customers the option to choose the name they want to appear on participating credit cards. This option was previously available only to those who had obtained a court order for a legal name change. (More)

Jared Leto Gets Naked for ‘Hump Day’ Pro-Voting Message
By Jessica Bennett
Unknown — Jared Leto is the latest celeb to strip down in an effort to get fans out to the polls. The “Outsider” star took to social media in the buff Wednesday with a pro-voting message for fans, writing, “Happy hump day. P.S. Don’t forget to vote.” (More)

This Handy Video Is a Perfect Guide to Gender Neutral Pronouns
By Raffy Ermac
Streaming — f you think "they," "them," and "their" are the only gender neutral pronouns out there, you're in for a surprise! According to a handy (and gorgeously illustrated!) informational video from the Bloom YouTube channel, there's a whole world of other gender neutral pronouns that people of different gender identities use! (More)

Florida Officer Faces Discipline for Wearing 'Trump 2020' Mask at Polling Place
By Joel Shannon
Miami — A uniformed police officer who was photographed wearing a "Trump 2020" mask at a Florida early voting site could face suspension.
Miami-Dade County Democratic Chairman Steve Simeonidis said a photo of the armed officer in the mask was "city funded voter intimidation" in a Tuesday tweet. About an hour later, the Miami Police Department condemned the behavior and promised to address the situation (More)

Joe Biden Vows to Protect Trans Kids: “I Will Flat-Out Change the Law”
By Sam Manzella
Washington — Joe Biden just reaffirmed his intent to protect the rights of LGBTQ Americans, including transgender children. This Thursday, October 15, the Democratic presidential nominee sat down with ABC News for a Town Hall event. During the course of the night, he fielded two questions about LGBTQ issues. (More)

‘Typical Alpha Male Footballer’ and Thirst Trap Matt Morton Comes Out
By David Reddish
Thetford — 30-year-old Matt Morton, the self-described “typical alpha-male footballer” player/manager of Thetford Town in UK football, celebrated National Coming Out Day this year by coming out as gay himself. (More)