June 16th, 2020
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Coverboy Tasers Don't Work Well On Drunks

Lawful but Aweful
By Daddy
Las Vegas — You'll be hearing that over the next few days about the Atlanta shootings as a lot of law enforcement officials express an action that while it may be technically legal but could have been avoided. I even question if it was technically legal. Lets see how it could have been avoided.
In a gentler time not that long ago; The Officer would have retrieved Mr. Brooks car keys and have offered him a ride home... Offered to have a family member come and get him... Offered to call a Taxi. Any of these would have send Mr. Brooks on his way home without his drivers license and with a citation with a corresponding court date.
When the three went to the ground; The officers could have rolled away and waited. A simple deescalation that very likely would have defused the situation.
Threatening Mr. Brooks with a taser did the opposite. In fact it caused the situation to worsen because it changed a 2-on-1 struggle to a 1-on-1 struggle while the officer drew his weapon. Pain compliance on someone that is inebriated is very problematic thus a taser was not the right answer.
When Mr. Brooks evaded arrest and ran away the could have gave chase, or simply stopped. They had his car, they had his drivers license, they knew where he lived. A stop to deliver a citation for the offense and a method to contact the police would had more than likely had positive results once Mr. Brooks came down off his adrenaline high. Most likely he would have turned himself in.
I'm not here to talk about "Aweful" but instead start the discussion of what we can do about this mess.
I'm starting to think that it's time to stop funding this ongoing escalation in violence. In Dallas, the Police Department "Right Care" program created units that put an officer, a paramedic and a social worker in select cars. The pilot program led to a drop in arrests. 44 Minutes would have been more than enough time for such a unit to arrive. I suspect it would have made a difference between life and death.
Train the officers to go back to a gentler time. Handcuffs are not needed when the suspect is cooperating. It's time for the police officers be be trained to not escalate. Do be firm but not confrontative
The vast majority of London officers don't carry guns and that works very well. Let's take the guns off of our Polices hip and lock them away in their car trunks.
To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page which has been updated with the new address.

Masked Grooms: Congratulations to Mike Del Moro and Alec Vlahos
By Javy Roriguez
New Jersey — “It wasn’t the day we pictured, but it was still picture perfect,” Mike Del Moro says of his May 16 socially distanced wedding to Alec Vlahos. Del Moro, a booking producer on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, originally planned to marry Vlahos, an OB/GYN resident at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School/Saint Barnabas, at a big, beach blowout wedding in Point Pleasant. (More)

Martha Stewart Shares Snap of Hunky Mystery Man by the Pool
By Staff
New York City — tewart shared an Instagram post on Tuesday of a shirtless man, wearing a face mask, in what appears to be her swimming pool. In the caption, she writes: "Which do you prefer? Without the Panama hat or with ? The mask stays." (More)

Ben Platt Faces Off Against Judith Light and Bette Midler in Season 2 of ‘The Politician’
By Staff
Hollywood — Here’s the official synopsis: “Payton Hobart (Ben Platt) fights to unseat Dede Standish (Judith Light) in the New York State Senate race. As a long-time incumbent and greatly admired Senate Majority Leader with no-nonsense Chief of Staff, Hadassah Gold (Bette Midler) at her side, Dede’s re-election was supposed to be easy, but Payton – who sees this as the next step on his path to the Presidency – must decide what kind of politician he ultimately wants to be in order to succeed, even if that means exposing secrets, lies, and a throuple. (More)

Dolly Parton Statue May Replace Controversial KKK Leader Monument at Tennessee Capitol
By Staff
Tennessee — Since 1978, visitors to the Tennessee Capitol building have been greeted by a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former Confederate general and early Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Local lawmakers are considering options to replace Forrest and according to reports, Dolly Parton is one candidate. (More)

Adult Star/Web Celeb Johnny Sins Signed as New Fleshlight Guy
By Robert Neuwave
Cyberspace — Award-winning adult star Johnny Sins has signed an agreement with Interactive Life Forms (ILF), makers of Fleshlight brand products, to serve as the newest Fleshlight Guy, with a custom Fleshlight dildo molded from him launching soon. (More)

Supreme Court: Title VII Covers Sexual Orientation and Gender Status
By Lisa Keen
Washington D.C. — In what is perhaps the most stunning U.S. Supreme Court victory in history for LGBT people, the nation’s highest court has voted 6 to 3 that a federal law barring discrimination on the basis of “sex” in employment also prohibits discrimination based on “sexual orientation” and “gender status.” (More)

Gay Man Makes History in Northern Ireland as First to Give Blood
By Emma Powys Maurice
Ireland — A 28-year-old has become the first gay man to donate blood in Northern Ireland since its discriminatory restrictions were relaxed.
The controversial restrictions required men who have sex with men to remain celibate for 12 months before they would be allowed to give blood. This deferral period has now been reduced to three months, bringing the country in line with the rest of the UK. (More)

5 Rules for Building a Welcoming Workplace for LGBTQ+ Employees
By Dr. Steve Yacovelli
Cyberspace — The work world is changing all around us. From forced remote working situations to new technologies to novel ways of working with our teams, there is a wave of change within our world that doesn’t have an end in sight. But all these “new normal” workplace situations aside, let’s focus on those changes we want to create, especially as it relates to our workplace culture being more inclusive. (More)

In the Deep End: Stripping Down for Underwater Photography
By Tony Taylor
Cyberspace — We may still be quarantined in fundamental ways–no bars or crowded restaurants that are staples of gay life quite yet–but chlorinated water has been deemed safe, so people are diving back in at a safe distance. (More)