June 24th, 2020
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Coverboy Where's Mr. Clean When You Need Him?

Cleaning Up My Act
By Daddy
Las Vegas — It was just like a row of dominoes. The new wound nurse is supposed to be showing up tomorrow so let's cleanup up the work table (I believe you call them a dining table) The work trash can needs to be emptied. Which means empty the other three trash cans. On the way out to the trash bin; Oh I need to take out those boxes stacked in the corner!
But wait, now that I can see them, all the counters need to be wiped down. The dishwasher needs to be emptied. The dishes in the sink need to go into the dish washer.
I just don't understand why I'm so tired... Nap time! Have a blessed day!

Legendary's Leiomy and Dashaun Are Blueprints for Voguing Today
By Mikelle Street
Hollywood — Leiomy Maldonado is known as the "Wonder Woman of Vogue" for a reason. A title bestowed upon her by Icon Gorgeous Jack Gucci, one of ballroom's most influential figures and a bit of a name maker, it refers to her innovation on the floor — most notably, her 360-degree, gravity defying spin into the air before landing on her back with a leg extended, or in a "dip." But this summer, with her competition days largely behind her, Maldonado, along with fellow icon and "King of Vogue" Dashaun Wesley has been helping to usher in some of the scene's newest talents via the debut season of HBO Max's Legendary. (More)

Obama Returns to the Campaign Trail With Biden Fundraiser
By Associated Press
Washington — The small dollar fundraiser Tuesday night will be held online and offers a fresh test of Obama's ability to transfer his popularity to Biden, his former vice president who is now seeking the White House on his own. It's a kickoff of what Obama's team says will likely be a busy schedule heading into the fall, as he looks to help elect not just Biden but Democrats running for House and Senate. (More)

Former Pro Footballer Thomas Beattie Comes Out as Gay
By Staff
Cyberspace — Wrote Beattie: “I’m able to say it out loud now for everyone to hear: My name is Thomas Beattie. I’m a brother, son, friend, former professional footballer, entrepreneur and annoyingly competitive lad. I’m a lot of things, and one of them is gay.” (More)

Asked Repeatedly if He’d Say That ‘Black Lives Matter,’ Pence Instead Declares ‘All Lives Matter’
By Adrian Garcia
Washington — ike Pence refused to say the words “Black lives matter” during an interview with an ABC affiliate in Pennsylvania on Friday, instead, the vice president declared that “all lives matter” (More)

Meet the Logo30: Pete and Chasten Buttigieg
By Christopher Rudolph
Cyberspace — The South Bend, Indiana-based husbands spent most of 2019, and the first two months of 2020, on the campaign trail as Pete made history as America’s first openly gay Democratic presidential candidate. (More)

After Title VII ‘Watershed,’ Is the Court Reshaping?
By Lisa Keen
Washington — When the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Title VII case came down June 15, the big picture significance of the ruling understandably overshadowed some important details. One of those details is what the distribution of votes means to future rulings of the nation’s highest court. (More)

Men.com Inks Contract With Performer Ashton Summers
By Robert Neuwave
Los Angeles — Gay adult website Men.com has announced that it has signed Ashton Summers as its newest exclusive performer. The 25-year-old Puerto Rican native joins Men.com's other contract players Matthew Camp, Diego Sans, Joey Mills and DeAngelo Jackson (More)

Pink Triangle Will Be Lit Saturday
By Cynthia Laird
San Francisco — This year's 25th annual pink triangle installation atop Twin Peaks will be different due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, but there are a few opportunities to help out, and people are invited to watch the lighting ceremony from afar. (More)

Gay Blood Ban Stops HIV Doctor From Donating COVID Antibodies
By Neal Broverman
.UNITED KINGDOM — Joseph Heskin, a Gay British doctor specializing in sexual health and HIV care, is a survivor of COVID-19. After discovering he had antibodies for the novel coronavirus, he tried to donate his blood plasma but was stymied by the U.K.'s current blood ban against sexually active gay and bisexual men. (More)