June 18th, 2020
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Coverboy Bobby Jhonson of New York City

He's Going to Be Frustrated Again!
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Just got off FaceTime with the infectious disease doctor. The had a case of coronavirus in the office so they don't want to see people in the office. Facetime is new for her, old hat for me. The blood tests last week mostly normal which will frustrate the wound doctor some more. He'll get the results at the tests scheduled for tomorrow in the clinic. Both Doctors are thinking that a stint of hyperbaric chamber treatment is indicated. It'll be a problem fitting it in as it's two hours per treatment, five times a week for several weeks. I may have take a break to make time or the treatment.
I still need to schedule a visit with the Orthopedic surgeon for his take on the "Charcot syndrome"that has developed in my left foot. This week is being hectic so haven't gotten to it yet.
To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page which has been updated with the new address.

Meet the Men of 'Canada's Drag Race's Hunky Pit Crew
By Mikelle Street
Hollywood — Well theydies and gentlethems, it's that time again. With the introduction of any new iteration of RuPaul's Drag Race, we get the introduction of another group of performers: the Pit Crew. We've watched that group grow and change for the U.S. iteration over the past 12 years. Then when the U.K stepped into the picture, it brought with it a seven-member Brit Crew. Then the show started their RuPaul's Drag Race: Live iteration in Las Vegas and brought in six dancers to pose as the Pit Crew for that. Now, it's time for the Canadians. (More)

Trump on an AIDS Vaccine That Doesn't Exist
By Calvin Woodward and Hope Yen (AP)
Unknown — Seizing on a medical milestone that doesn't exist, President Donald Trump said Tuesday he thinks the same scientific expertise that produced a vaccine for AIDS can deliver one soon for COVID-19, too. There is no vaccine for AIDS. (More)

Keiynan Lonsdale Plays a Gay Nightlife Sherpa in Exclusive “Love, Victor” Clip
By Staff
Unknown — Keiynan Lonsdale was one of the breakout stars from the 2018 film Love, Simon, where he played Bram, a boy who had a crush on Simon (Nick Robinson). The two ended up kissing on top of a Ferris wheel in the movie’s climax. (More)

DEXAMETHASONE Corticosteroid Seen as First “Major Breakthrough” in Coronavirus Treatment
By Andy Towle
Unknown — “For patients on ventilators, it cut the risk of death from 40% to 28%. For patients needing oxygen, it cut the risk of death from 25% to 20%. Chief investigator Prof Peter Horby said: ‘This is the only drug so far that has been shown to reduce mortality – and it reduces it significantly. It’s a major breakthrough.'” (More)

Openly Gay Black Bishop Ordained by Missouri Episcopalians
By Trudy Ring
Missouri — The Rt. Rev. Deon Kevin Johnson has become the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, making him the first openly gay Black man to hold the post in the diocese’s 179-year history. Johnson was ordained and consecrated Saturday in a ceremony at Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis (More)

Minneapolis Businesses Come Together for Adult Store's Recovery, Repairs
By Lyn Bimey
Minneapolis — The Smitten Kitten is bringing together local adult businesses to support Venus Unveiled, a small, black-owned lingerie and sex toy store that was damaged during the unrest in the Twin Cities on May 28. The large front window was smashed, merchandise was stolen, and silicone lubricant was poured on the floor, which created damage so significant that the floor must be replaced. According to Venus Unveiled’s owner Marvin Levi, the structural damage besides significant inventory losses and fixture damage, is in excess of $50,000. (More)

11 Adorable Vintage Photos of Gay Couples
By Cassie Sheets
Cyberspace — Walt Whitman is pictured with his younger lover and muse, Peter Doyle (circa 1869). (More)

There’s a Giant Loophole in the Historic Supreme Court Ruling
By Emma Powys Maurice
Washington D.C. — The latest ruling from the US Supreme Court is being hailed as a landmark victory for LGBT+ people, but it has one glaring loophole: it doesn’t apply to small businesses. It includes a critical exception for small businesses with fewer than 15 employees, which employ as many as one in six Americans. (More)

Meet the Yogi Who Specializes in All-Male Naked Yoga Classes
By Malcolm Rhodes
Washington D.C. — Dan Carter is the owner of Danimal Yoga in Washington, D.C., where he recently began leading all-male naked yoga classes geared towards gay and bisexual men. “I think that moment we take off our clothes is so pivotal to the entire class." (More)