December 8th, 2020
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Coverboy President-Elect Joe Biden

Safe Harbor Day
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Today is the last day that states can file an "Certificate of Ascertainment" to guarantee that Congress will accept their electors results.
Last Friday four states California, Illinois, Maryland, Mississippi filed their certificates and Officially pushed Joe Biden over the top with 279 certified electors. Since then the count has gone up to 288 certified electors with 28 electors not certified as of Monday.
For the first time we can Officially call Joseph Robinett Biden, Jr "President elect" and Kamala Devi Harris "Vice-President elect." My congratulations to both; Keep up the good fight!
President elect Joe Biden has indicated that he wants one of his first acts to be to ask everybody to wear face masks for his first 100 days in office. You don't have to wait until January 20th because no matter what, this is going to be a tough winter. Hint for your mask, hit it with a spray of your favorite febreze scent. It helps a lot while waiting to get it in to the laundry.
As is usual as we head into the holidays, money gets tight. I have a couple of bills to take care of in early December so I'm watching my pennies very carefully. To all those that have donated, Thank you for your donations!. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Gay Teen Gets Suspension for Wearing Nail Polish, Fights Back
By Mikelle Street
Clyde — In Texas, a teen is calling out his high school for a double standard. On social media Trevor Wilkinson, a 17-year-old at Clyde High School, is ringing the alarm over being punished for wearing nail polish. (More)

Rachel Maddow Urges Americans to Do 1 Thing About Trump as COVID-19 Surges
By Lee Moran
Hollywood — “Ignore whatever is going on with that circus,” she urged during a segment Thursday analyzing how the coronavirus is again surging across the United States while outgoing President Donald Trump continues his futile attempts to steal the 2020 election. (More)

Tommy Dorfman Posts in and Out of the Bathtub Thirst-Traps
By Staff
Hollywood — After Netflix "13 Reasons Why" became a sensation, genderqueer/nonbinary actor Tommy Dorfman's Instagram followers jumped almost overnight to 800,000. On the show for the Seasons 1, 2 and 4, they played Ryan Shaver, an out teen at Liberty High with a complicated relationship with Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford), whose suicide drives the drama. (More)

Pelosi Shuts Down Christian Reporter's Trans 'Gotcha' Question
By Mey Rude
Washington — Nancy Pelosi took a firm stance when challenged on her position on trans youth’s access to gender-affirming schools, sports, and locker rooms. When a Christian reporter at a news conference questioned her on the issue, Pelosi had little time for the shenanigans. (More)

Joe Dombrowski and Dexter Mayfield Brought the Laughs on the Latest Logo Live
By Christopher Rudolph
Cyberspace — oining host Johnny Sibilly for this installment were Joe Dombrowski and Dexter Mayfield. Dombrowski, also known as Mr. D., is a former teacher who went viral back in 2017 with his April Fool’s spelling test stunt. Since then, he has appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, toured his one-man show, Indoor Recess, and hosts the podcast Social Studies. (More)

Survey: Health, Housing Among Top Issues for LGBTQ New Yorkers
By Matt Tracy
New York — Healthcare, housing, and hate crimes were among the top issues on the minds of LGBTQ likely voters in New York City in the months leading up to the 2020 general election, according to a survey conducted by the New Pride Agenda (NPA) and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. (More)

Buck Angel Joins Chaturbate; 1st Headlining Show Saturday
By JC Adams
Los Angeles — Performer, activist and educator Buck Angel has joined Chaturbate and will headline his first solo show for the platform Saturday at 8 p.m. (PST). Angel also guests on this week's episode of the podcast "Sex Tales" hosted by Chaturbate broadcasters Lana Del Bae and Melody Kush. (More)

Guy Busts Homophobic Father at Gay Orgy & What Happens Next Is Wild
By Taylor Henderson
Cyberspace — In a popular new meme format utilizing the chorus of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" modulating upwards, TikToker @zephryn shared the shocking story of his homophobic father getting busted at a gay orgy, then exposing him to their family. (More)

This Weekend, May We Suggest You ‘Make the Yuletide Gay?’
By David Reddish
Streaming — Give mad props to Rob Williams, the writer-director who, long before the current flurry of queer-themed holiday films, began to infuse the Christmas season with a hearty dose of gayness. Last week we recommended his ode to Christmas love, Shared Rooms. This week we offer up his earlier holiday outing, Make the Yuletide Gay. (More)