December 24th, 2020
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Coverboy Stop Digging

Reminder to Self
By Daddy
Las Vegas — There are times where I keep remembering the old adage: "When you're in a deep hole, stop digging!" Today I was reminded that we're all in that deep hole and some of us need to stop digging.
My Doctor who happened to be the head honcho of the practice has moved on. The new Doctor has yet to move in and the Nurse Practitioner that I spoke to last time isn't available. I ended up with a physicians assistant who frankly wasn't up to the task.
I was upset until I understood that they were doing the best they could. My doctor that moved on, went back to a position where I know he is desperately needed. So my highest commendations to him. So, the best I can do is to stop digging, and wait for things to get better.
We all know that help is on the way. We can only get out of this hole by patient, careful attention to the details that need to be taken care of, in the order they need them to happen. We have to ignore the noise makers that are trying to disturb the process.
We redid the request for my birth certificate today and I found out that the notary has just as dry a sense of humor as I do. He followed the directions literally and pushed the lever to its extreme.
I'm staying at home and limiting my access to the outside world. To all those that have donated, Thank you for your donations!. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Gay Doctor Strips Away Mormon Church
By Donald Padgett
Cyberspace — Now this is our kind of religion! A Gay doctor with the body of a Greek god recalled the moment he stripped off his special Mormon underwear and walked away from the church in a moving Instagram post. (More)

Trump Calls COVID Relief Bill a ‘Disgrace’, Demands Checks Be $2000
By Andy Towle
Washington — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who had been pushing for larger checks, responded: “Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks. At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!” (More)

The Warwick Rowers Make a 'Worldwide Roar' With 2021 Calendar
By Staff
Warwick — In 2009 the Warwick Rowers — a British university rowing club — introduced a calendar of naked male rowers. It came because of "a chance encounter between a straight athlete and an LGBT photographer. The photographer spoke about how many men felt like him — excluded from sport on the grounds of their sexuality or because there seemed to be no place for them within sport's deeply masculine culture," reads the WR website. (More)

Pharmacist Reportedly Injected With Four Doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine
By Yaron Steinbuch
.ISRAEL — An Israeli pharmacist is really protected against COVID-19 – after being accidentally injected with four doses of the Pfizer shot, according to a report. Uday Azizi, a Maccabi Healthcare Services pharmacist, said he was feeling fine after being sent to a hospital to be monitored because he mistakenly received the extra amounts, the Times of Israel reported. (More)

Tucker Carlson Attacks Nonbinary CDC Worker for Trans Flag
By Trudy Ring
Atlanta — Fox News host Tucker Carlson has lambasted an employee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for, among other things, identifying as nonbinary and having a transgender Pride flag in their Twitter profile. (More)

Palm Springs Gay Resort Up for Sale
By Ed Walsh
Palm Springs — One of Palm Springs' best-known gay resorts is up for sale. INNdulge's owners Jon Jackson and his partner, Sandy Miller, are selling the hotel in the Warm Sands neighborhood for $10.8 million. (More)

Gay Host of Supermarket Sweep Rylan Talks About Being ‘Hated’ on X Factor
By Tris Reid-Smith
BBC — Gay British TV entertainer Rylan Clark-Neal has talked about being ‘hated’ when he took part in the X Factor. Clark-Neal is now the popular host of Supermarket Sweep and Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two and takes part in a host of other shows. But he first came to fame when he finished ninth in the X Factor in 2012. (More)

A Trans Boy Came Out to His Mom via a Cute Homemade Holiday Card
By Raffy Ermac
Cyberspace — "Got a note from my 13yo tonight, under the door, like they always did when there was something important to say," she wrote in a tweet alongside a bunch of pictures of a handmade card her kid made for her. As we scroll through the pics, it's plain to see this isn't just a regular holiday greeting, but instead, a coming out. (More)

Elton John and Husband Mark 15th Anniversary With Plea for LGBTQ Equality
By Unknown
Windsor — Elton John and his husband David Furnish may be celebrating 15 years of relationship bliss, but they hasn’t lost sight of what their union represents to the world. John and Furnish were married at their Windsor estate on Dec. 21, 2014, nine months after same-sex marriage was legalized in England. Though Monday marked their sixth year as husbands, they entered a civil partnership exactly nine years to the day before that. (More)