December 22nd, 2020
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Coverboy Blessed Yule

Blessed Yule!
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Welcome to Yule, which starts on the Winter solstice and lasts until the start of the new year. The solstice marks the shortest day of the year and Yule celebrates the return of the sun. This Yule is special for several reasons.
The "Cold Full Moon" occurs this year on December 29th. The Mohicans called it "The Long Night Moon" because it rises during the longest nights of the year. December's full Moon shines above the horizon for a longer period of time than most full Moons. Best time to see it will be at about 10:30pm EST.
The year also brings us the "Christmas Star" the closest conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 800 years. This once in a life time event will next happen in 2080. The best time to view it is about an hour after sunset your local time. They will appear to be closest on solstice which is coincidence.
Hopefully this is the year when we leave behind the dark times of 2020. The Pandemic, The Presidential election, The Political protests, and the slow progress of Congress to get anything done. Just as winter seems to last forever these events will take time to resolve. We have to practice patience because the hole we're in is deep and it'll take a lot of work to get out of.
I'm staying at home and limiting my access to the outside world in spite of it growing old quickly. I spend much of the weekend in bed catching up on my sleep.
To all those that have donated, Thank you for your donations!. Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Arrested Movement Series Addresses Male Body Positivity One Nude at a Time
By Mikelle Street
Cyberspace — Over the past decade 'body-positivity' has become a major cultural conversation, spawning a linked body-positive movement. People have discussed not only how important representation is, but how images in media impact self-image and by extension mental health. And while much of the mainstream conversations around body-positivity are centered on the bodies of women — which are more commodified and undoubtedly also much more visible — there's an important conversation to have around men's bodies. This conversation is even more important in the conversations of gay, and otherwise queer men. (More)

Congress Seals Agreement on $900 Billion COVID Relief Bill
By Andrew Taylor (AP)
Washington — After months of Washington gridlock, Congress is set to act on a $900 billion pandemic relief package, finally delivering long-sought cash to businesses and individuals and resources to vaccinate a nation confronting a frightening surge in COVID-19 cases and deaths.
The relief package, agreed to on Sunday and expected to draw votes in Congress on Monday, would establish a temporary $300 per week supplemental jobless benefit and a $600 direct stimulus payment to most Americans, along with a new round of subsidies for hard-hit businesses and money for schools, health care providers and renters facing eviction. (More)

Anderson Cooper Wishes He Had Become a Dad Sooner
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — In a recent episode of Bruce Bozzi’s ‘Quarantined with Bruce’ SiriusXM show, Anderson Cooper told Bozzi that he wished he had become a father sooner. (More)

Netflix Just Gave Meryl Streep the Epic Drag Tribute She Deserves
By Taylor Henderson
Streaming — o celebrate the living legend, Netflix has gathered some of our favorite drag queens for a Night of 1000 Meryls, an epic tribute performance where eleven queens donned their best Meryl drag (inspired by some of her best characters over the years) for an instantly iconic, rousing lip-sync to "It's Not About Me" from The Prom. (More)

12 LGBTQ+ Seniors Share the Joy of Being Out
By Taylor Newton
Cyberspace — Not Another Second is a new cultural awareness campaign that shares the stories of 12 LGBTQ+ seniors – which includes a politician, veteran, Stonewall Survivor, and Black Panther – who collectively lost 485 years living in the closet. (More)

These Five Male Sex Toys Are Engineered to Change Your Life for Good
By Jordan Lee
Cyberspace — Many sex-positive guys have found it a tough year as lockdowns and guidance have, quite rightly, steered them away from face-to-face meets. But the positive to come out of that is that so many more men have opened themselves up to a new world of self-pleasure. Naturally, this has also seen sex toy sales soar. (More)

Amazing People Living With HIV: Heartland Hero Devin Hursey
By Neal Broverman
Kansas City — At an age when most people are still figuring out what they want to do with their lives, Devin Hursey is changing lives. After graduating two years ago from the University of Missouri, Kansas City, Hursey is pursuing dual master's degrees in public health and strategic communications at the University of Missouri. Previously, Columbia worked as a peer educator at Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, helping people living with HIV stick to their regimens and guiding newly diagnosed folks through treatment. (More)

Ma Rainey’s Unapologetic Queerness Shines in George C. Wolfe’s New Film
By Sam Cronin
Streaming — The fiercely talented and defiantly proud blues pioneer is getting renewed attention due to Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, a new Netflix movie from prolific theater director George C. Wolfe (Angels in America, The Normal Heart). Based on playwright August Wilson’s 1984 drama of the same name, Ma Rainey takes place over the course of one fateful day at a recording studio in 1927. Viola Davis stars in the titular role, with the late Chadwick Boseman and breakout star Taylour Paige appearing as supporting characters Levee and Dussie Mae, respectively. Dussie is Ma’s girlfriend, but Levee, one of Ma’s band members, has his eye on her — and a major problem with Ma’s unquestioned authority. (More)

Ian McKellen Gets Vaccinated and Injects Some Truth for Doubters
By Ron Dicker
London — Ian McKellen was not acting when he got vaccinated against COVID-19 ? but the “Lord of the Rings” star still reached out to his audience. “It’s a very special day,” McKellen wrote Thursday on Instagram (see the post below) with a photo of him giving the thumbs-up. “Anyone who has lived as long as I have is alive because they have had previous vaccinations.” (More)