September 2nd, 2020
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Coverboy Have a Happy Day!

Just a Happy Day!
By Daddy
Las Vegas — This all started yesterday when the United States Air force Thunderbirds unexpectedly crossed my path at low attitude, in formation, trailing their white smoke. But that's not what brought me to happy tears. That took Luke Evans singing a song that has always been special to me. So as that powerful song reverberate through my mind my gift to you today, is no partisan politicks, no violence, no learning, no medial problems, and no money problems. Just posts that brought a smile to my face. Freely offered and hopefully freely accepted. I hope you have a spectacular day!

Luke Evans and the Welsh National Opera Perform Queen’s ‘Who Wants to Live Forever’ for Pride
By Andy Towle
Unknown — Pride Cymru, Wales’s largest Pride festival held annually in Cardiff, did not go off this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, but an online fest was held, and actor/singer Luke Evans recorded a cover of Queen’s “Who Wants to Live Forever” with the Welsh National Opera for the event. (More)

Two Federal Appeals Courts: Title IX Covers Gender Identity
By Lisa Keen
.UNITED STATES — Two federal appeals court panels have ruled that a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people at work also applies to discrimination in schools. The two new rulings came from the Fourth Circuit and Eleventh Circuit U.S. Courts of Appeal, involving cases in Virginia and Florida where public high schools refused to allow transgender boys to use the boys’ restroom. (More)

New Mural Commemorates Pre-Stonewall Compton Cafeteria Riots
By Donald Padgett
San Francisco — The streets of San Francisco were emblazoned with a giant Black Trans Lives Matter mural this past weekend. The SF Bay Times is reporting it was all part of recognizing the 54th anniversary of the Compton’s Cafeteria riots that occurred in response to continued police harassment of the transgender community during the period. The Compton’s Cafeteria riots predate Stonewall by three years. (More)

Taylor Swift's Handwritten Note to a Gay Fan Is Too Sweet to Handle
By raffy ermacc
Hollywood — In the era of texting and DMs, getting a handwritten letter from someone is definitely special — and if that handwritten latter is from one your faves, like Grammy-winning singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, then it's even more of an occasion to celebrate! (More)

Channing Tatum to Release Children's Book in May 2021
By Kevin Schattenkirk
Print — Actor and director Channing Tatum can now add author to his resumé, as his first children's book, "The One and Only Sparkella," will be released on May 4, 2021, People reports. In the book's dedication to his six-year-old daughter, Tatum says:
Published by Feiwel & Friends, the book follows Ella, a young girl teased at school over her love of sparkly things. Her father encourages her to be herself, embrace her individuality, and continue wearing her disco-ball shoes and glittered ribbons. The book was illustrated by Kim Barnes, and is set to be the first in a Sparkella series. (More)

Brooklyn’s East River State Park Renamed After Marsha P. Johnson
By Matt Tracy
Brooklyn — Brooklyn’s East River State Park is being renamed Marsha P. Johnson State Park, Governor Andrew Cuomo said in an August 24 announcement that coincided with the late LGBTQ icon’s 75th birthday. (More)

Lady Gaga’s Outrageous Masks Steal the Show at MTV VMAs
By Cole Delbyck
Cyberspace — The pop icon made a clear statement at the virtual ceremony on Sunday night, telling fans to “mask up” while sporting a collection of her own couture face accessories. And honestly, did we expect anything less from the woman who gave us the meat dress? (More)

Beyoncé’s ‘If I Were a Boy’ Sung by a Parrot
By Unknown
Friskney — Who runs the world? Birds. Watch this Beyoncé-loving parrot belt out the singer’s 2008 classic, “If I Were A Boy.” It’s no wonder why Chico, a 9-year-old yellow-crowned Amazon, is a big draw for zoo-goers at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park in Friskney, England. (More)

Gay Hikers Share Their Favorite Trails and Advice for Beginners
By David Hudson
Cyberspace — With travel restrictions imposed across so much of the world, more people are considering things to do in their own countries. This might include exploring hiking. Unsurprisingly, after stay-at-home orders, the idea of being out in the wild outdoors becomes a lot more appealing! GayCities caught up with three gay hiking enthusiasts to ask them to recommend some trails and offer advice for beginners. (More)