August 28th, 2020
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Coverboy Kai of San Diego

Can I Have Another Option Please?
By Daddy
Las Vegas — The first president of the United States didn't believe in political parties. In George Washington farewell address he said: "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." After listening to both of the recent conventions I have to agree with the former president.
What is a shame is that these two bickering rivals have so eclipsed the political landscape that no other voices can be heard. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the we could have not a week, not a day but just an hour each to hear from the other three existing parties? I would love to hear from the Libertarian party, the Green party, and the Constitution party.
To be be honest I don't think either of the two existing parties can address the current crises that we currently face. It's going to take new ideas, nonpartisanship, new methods to overcome these problems. Ever increasing bigotry needs to be addressed, The Coronavirus needs to be overcome, The Economy needs to be restored, The mess from the a Category 4 hurricane will need to be cleaned up, and our crumbling infrastructure needs to be rebuild. We can't do that in the middle of a persistent duel between the two sides of the same coin.
We're now just about two months and a week from the election. I've already said that this election is the most important election in history for the LGBTQ+ community. It's all in the numbers: if the population of the USA is 330 Million, then it's estimated that 15.5 Million of us are LGBTQ+. If 1 in 5 of us are unregistered then that's about 3.1 million potential voters. In 2016 the electoral vote favored Trump at 55.5% (303 votes) and the popular vote swung the other way to Clinton at 46% (~3 million.) I suspect that an extra 3 million LGBTQ+ votes would have made a significant difference.
I'm happy that I loaded Big Sur, Xcode 12, and SwiftUI 2. Big Sur is pretty and both Xcode 12 and SwiftUI 2 have made significant leaps forward in functionality. Most of the workarounds I used tin SwiftUI 1 have gone away. I'll be spending the weekend working on bringing up Baseline2 to the level of Baseline1. I'm limping along on 8gb of memory until I can save up enough for a new Mac Mini 2018+ which is currently running at about $700 however I expect better prices in this years Black Friday sales.
I should be good for the rest of the month as long as I'm careful with my spending. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Gay Polish Couple Travel to the Vatican to Beg Pope Francis for Help
By Tris Reid-Smith
.HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE) — The Jakup and Dawid Mycek-Kwiecinski unfurled the LGBT+ Pride Flag with the word ‘Help’ written on it as Francis conducted Angelus Prayers from his balcony in the Vatican. They returned to St Peter’s Square several times during the last week. (More)

GOP Night 3: Grenell Mum on LGBT Support for Trump
By Lisa Keen
Cyberspace — There was no mention of LGBT people during night three of the 2020 Republican National Convention Wednesday night, not even by implication. Though an openly gay speaker was given time in the spotlight, he did not discuss equal rights for LGBT people or even mention his role as the newly appointed leader in the Trump campaign’s outreach to LGBT voters. (More)

Barack Obama Backs Bucks, NBA Players Leading Walkout After Jacob Blake Shooting
By Ryan Young
Orlando — The Milwaukee Bucks led a walkout at Walt Disney World on Wednesday in response to the Jacob Blake shooting on Sunday, and former President Barack Obama is right behind them. Obama tweeted out his support for the Bucks and the rest of the league on Wednesday night, one of countless to do so after a monumental day in NBA history. (More)

New Pride-Centric Train Staffed Entirely With LGBTQ+ Crew
By Donald Padgett
United Kingdom — Pride events may have been cancelled across the United Kingdom due to the global pandemic, but that hasn’t stopped a rainbow stretching across the rails from London to Manchester as Avanti West Coast unveiled their new rainbow-themed train earlier today. The Daily Mail reports the 11-carriage train is also the first in the country entirely staffed by an LGBTQ+ crew. Best of all? The public can name it! (More)

Trans Sex Worker Trip Richards Explains It All to You
By Ryan Stanford
Cyberspace — Sex worker Trip Richards has a reason for revealing it all. "I am a transgender man," he says. "Basically that means that I was assigned female at birth, but it did not match my own masculine gender identity, so I transitioned in order to live congruently as myself. (More)

7 Ways to Help Family & Friends Become Better Allies
By Zachary Zane
Cyberspace — "Embrace and be supportive." This is the age-old advice that we have given allies since the dawn of gaykind. But how? After a mom says, "I support you and love you for who you are," what else is she supposed to do? Because being a good ally might not be as intuitive as we think, we sometimes have to help and teach others to be the best allies they can be. (More)

Actor Tyler Posey Has an Interesting Way of Cooking Sausage
By Unknown
Cyberspace — Tyler Posey's latest Instagram post is turning his fans' heads. The "Teen Wolf" star shared a revealing snap of himself in the kitchen while completely nude and showing off his tattoo collection. Thankfully, a pot of boiling water blocks out a part of his body that would otherwise prevent the pic from being approved by Instagram. (More)

COVID-19 Outbreak Hits French Resort Popular With LGBTQ Nudists
By Ed Gunts
.FRANCE — There’s a new COVID-19 hot spot in the south of France, and it’s alarming health officials at the height of the tourist season. At least 95 people have tested positive for the novel coronavirus in Cap d’Agde, a seaside resort area with a large tourist complex that’s popular with nudists and “libertines,” including a segment of the LGBTQ community. Fifty more vacationers have reported getting sick with the virus after returning home. (More)

Shelter Cast and Crew Reunite After 13 Years
By Staff
Streaming — If you’re not fed up with our obsession with Shelter by now, congratulations, you’ve probably already seen it! We maintain that anyone who has actually seen this feel-good surfing movie understands our position. Hot guys, wet suits, actual on-screen chemistry? We have no choice but to stan. (More)