September 8th, 2020
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Coverboy Civ6 Rematch!

Labor Day Weekend
By Daddy
Las Vegas — I had a very relaxing weekend while still getting a lot done. I've updated everything on the production server and it appears to be moving a bit faster. A big part of the upgrade was dropping two SSL protocols that have been deemed old and insecure. Both had reports of multiple vulnerabilities. The effect was immediate as the load on the server went down immediately. It would appear that several robots immediately gave up trying to get in.
A friend showed up with a couple of my favorite Ribeye steaks and I showed him the cooler way to cook them when it's 111° outside. Using the Anova Sous Vide you can set the doneness to exactly to what you like. In my case 137° for a mouth watering medium rare. Prepping is really fast; I use salt, pepper, and Garlic Herb seasoning along with a teaspoon of butter. All goes in a quart size ziplock bag and then into a water bath for an hour. Putting a nice sear is 15 seconds per side and around the edges in a very hot skillet and it's ready for the plate. You can freeze the prepped bags; just add another hour to get your meat up to temperature.
I snuck out at 11:45pm to my local grocery store as they were doing their last call and they had the roasted chickens on sale for $4/each. Along with a dozen eggs in the refrigerator my last 10 it spot should just be enough to make my "Daddy's Chicken Egg Salad." I'm going a bit out on the limb because I can't handle spicy foods and adding a teaspoon of curry powder on the recommendation of a friend.
Plan on doing a rematch with Sid Meier's Civilization VI after my nap. I'll also plan on doing the much needed laundry while playing so that it's not a complete waste of the day.
Everything is caught up bill wise and I'm checking my balance a couple times a day just so that there are no surprises. I do have my emergency cash stash available if need be. I'll be eating out of the freezer for a week or so. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Why This Gay Atheist Is Raising Money for a Church on His Birthday
By Staff
Norfolk — Queer folks and their allies have had a fraught relationship with religion and the institution of the church. Joshua Todd, a gay atheist knows this well, but for his birthday wanted to bring attention to the needs of a Norfolk, Virginia-based church that received backlash after voting to become a LGBTQ+ affirming parish. (More)

Democrats Introduce Legislation to Revise FDA Requirements for LGBT Blood Donors
By Lauren Vella
Washington — Reps. Val Demmings (D-Fla.) and Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) introduced legislation Friday that would require the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to revise restrictions on LGBT people, specifically gay men, that prohibit them from donating blood. (More)

Biden Praises Military After Report Trump Called Fallen Soldiers ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
By Andy Towle
Washington — Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden praised the U.S. military and its service members following a report in The Atlantic confirmed by the AP that Donald Trump referred to fallen soldiers as “losers” and “suckers.” (More)

Studies Show Pride Nights Decrease Homophobia on Sports Teams
By Kilian Melloy
United Kingdom — Groundbreaking research shows that Pride nights and Pride games decrease the homophobic language that team members use, reports UK newspaper The Guardian.
Pride nights have become commonplace in a variety of sports, and in different countries such the U.S., Canada, Britain, and Australia, and they are appreciated by LGBTQ fans, but until now no one had done academic studies into what effect such events might have on the athletes, the Guardian noted. (More)

Fordham University Linebacker Comes Out, Takes on Executive Role for LGBTQ Athletes
By David Reddish
Bronx — As a star linebacker for Fordham University’s football team, Velazquez came out as bisexual last fall–quite literally, in fact. He posted a video of himself coming out of his bedroom closet to Instagram in October, coinciding with National Coming Out Month. (More)

FSC: What the Latest 2257 Ruling Means to You
By JC Adams
Unknown — A panel of the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals gave FSC and the other plaintiffs a victory in this 2257 case, even if the somewhat complicated ruling did not go as far as we hoped it would. (More)

Pete Buttigieg Joins Joe Biden's White House Transition Team
By Tracy E. Gilchrist
Washington — In early March, Pete Buttigieg ended his history-making presidential campaign after coming in fourth in the South Carolina primary. Now the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., has been named to Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s White House transition team. (More) Modified These LGBTQ+ Words in Its 'Biggest Update Ever'
By Taylor Henderson
Cyberspace — n its "biggest update ever," has modified and added over 15,000 words, including homosexual and Pride.
"The unprecedented events of 2020, from the pandemic to the protests, have profoundly changed our lives—and language," the website wrote in an article. "Change, no doubt, is a prevailing theme of 2020—and change is fundamental to the work of a dictionary." (More)

Designer and Adult Performer Boomer Banks Is Fighting for Other POC
By Mikelle Street
Cyberspace — The longtime activist has overcome homelessness and addiction — and is now helping others struggling as he once did.
Boomer Banks moved to New York City for a career in the fashion industry. In Los Angeles, he had made an impression working in a flagship store of the French brand Catherine Malandrino. So when that location closed in 2011, the ambitious young man, then 31, packed up his things and moved across the country to continue his career at one of the designer’s stores in New York. (More)