August 21st, 2020
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Coverboy Chris of Washington D.C.

Obama Speaks Up!
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Wednesday night at the Democratic National Conventions shining movement was when the 44th President of the United States Barack Obama gave his remarks and proved that he has become a true statesman. A very sobering speech that is well worth spending a little over 19 minutes to watch:
This weekend I want to finish up the initial version of the user interface and then start on connecting to the COM (Component Object Model) library.
I should be good for the rest of the month as long as I'm careful with my spending. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

That Calendar of Hot Naked Gingers Is Coming Back for 2021
By Mikelle Street
Cyberspace — Since 2014, Red Hot has been putting out imagery of ginger men in support for various causes. They released a book, had a traveling exhibit, and recently have been dropping a variety of calendars. Their latest: Red Hot 2021, launched on Kickstarter this week and is already fully-funded. (More)

Trump Melts Down Because ‘Trump Meltdown’ Is Trending on Twitter
By John Wright
Washington — President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Thursday morning to whine about the social media platform’s trending topics, which included “Trump Meltdown” and “Obama Was Better At Everything.” (More)

LA Dodgers Pitcher Adjusts Himself on Camera, Clip Goes Viral
By Staff
Cyberspace — Earlier this month "Game of Thrones" actor Kit Harington was caught on a London street adjusting himself below his belt in a pic that went viral. Yesterday Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw joined Harington in the "Below the Belt Club" when he reached down there to adjust something on national television. (More)

Convention Night 3: Democrats Put Focus on Women
By Lisa Keen
Cyberspace — Gun violence, climate change, and women were the focus of the third night of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. And LGBT people were visible throughout.
Right at the top of her speech, Speaker Nancy Pelosi noted that the Democrats in the U.S. House include 60 percent women, people of color, and LGBTQ people, standing on the shoulders of those who fought for them at Seneca Falls, Selma, and Stonewall. (More)

Eco-Challenge's Black Gay Ultrarunner on Modeling Fitness & Speedos
By Daniel Reynolds
Hollywood — Coree Aussem-Woltering has made history on World’s Toughest Race: Eco-Challenge Fiji. The 29-year-old ultrarunner is a part of Team Onyx, the first all-Black adventure team to compete not just in the Eco-Challenge series, but on the global stage. (More)

“P.S. Burn This Letter Please” Reveals When Drag Was Illegal and Dangerous
By Christopher Rudolph
Cyberspace — Drag might have finally hit the mainstream with the success of series like RuPaul’s Drag Race and We’re Here, but the art of female illusion has always been part of the queer community. A new documentary, P.S. Burn This Letter Please, shows what life was like for New York City drag queens during the 1950s and 60s when drag was illegal. Drag might have finally hit the mainstream with the success of series like RuPaul’s Drag Race and We’re Here, but the art of female illusion has always been part of the queer community. A new documentary, P.S. Burn This Letter Please, shows what life was like for New York City drag queens during the 1950s and 60s when drag was illegal. (More)

Leslie Jordan Reacted to Cardi B's 'WAP' & It's Hilariously Perfect
By Taylor Henderson
Cyberspace — "Oh Lord, no, no, no!" he exclaims. "I can't believe it, well that is just shocking. Well, I don't judge. To each his own. I guess every garbage can has its lid." (More)

Postmaster General Retreats, but Is It Enough?
By Mark Hallum & Paul Schindler
Washington — Postmaster General Louis DeJoy said Tuesday he’s backing down from a series of operational changes viewed as detrimental to the 2020 presidential election, just two and a half months away — but it remains unclear if the sorting equipment and mailboxes that have been removed will be restored. He said he would hold off on what he has characterized as “reforms” until after November 3. (More)

What to Watch: Boys in Love, Boys in a Closet, Outfest at Home
By David Reddish
Hollywood — Well fell in love with this sweet rom-com on the festival circuit last year. Now, it finally arrives on streaming. Benjamin follows the neurosis of its titular film student (played by Irish actor Colin Morgan, of The Happy Prince). (More)