August 26th, 2020
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Coverboy And The President Is!

Could This Be One of Those Landmark Elections?
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Could this be the year where we have a watershed event where the President is not elected by the Electoral College? We can be sure that in 68 days, after the election is over the lawsuits will begin. We won't know for days perhaps weeks who won the election.
However the 20th amendment of the Constitution declares that the new president must take office on January 20th of next year. That same constitution also handles how to handle elections where the outcome is not clear. Don't laugh, it's already happened twice in the past. In 1824 it was the House of Representatives that elected John Quincy Adams the 6th President of the United States. And in 2000, it was the Supreme Court that ended recounts and made George W. Bush the 43rd President of the United States.
I've already said that this election is the most important election in history for the LGBTQ+ community. A community where a research study has said that only 80% of us are registered to vote. The window for registration is quickly closing and if you want your voice to be heard, now is the time. It could be literally the tipping point for the election!
The 2014 MacMini can now dual boot between Catalina/Xcode11/SwiftUI 1 and Big Sur/Xcode12/SwiftUI 2. I was able to build Hello, World apps on each flavor. All that left is to move computer into their respective new homes and to swap the memories so that the 2014 MacMini has the 16gig memory modules.
I should be good for the rest of the month as long as I'm careful with my spending. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

See LGBTQ+ Icons Reincarnated in HBO Max's New Series 'Equal'
By Mikelle Street
Streaming — In a new four-part series for HBO Max set to drop in October 2020, the stories of various LGBTQ+ historical icons will be told. The series, which will combine archival footage with stylistic recreations. (More)

GOP Convention Opens: LGBT Opinions Clash Outside
By Lisa Keen
Cyberspace — The first night of the Republican national convention spent considerable time reassuring black and Latinix people that it is the party of “diversity,” “values,” and “morality.” An openly gay speaker is planned for Wednesday, but on day one of the four-day convention, all the LGBT-related discourse took place outside. (More)

15 Times Wolverine Was Daddy AF
By raffy ermacc
Hollywood — Although he already hung up and retired his claws as Wolverine, after 17 years of playing the iconic Marvel X-Men character, there's no denying that Hugh Jackman is one of the greatest to ever do it, and there's simply no other actor who can take on a superhero role like he can! Just 'cuz, here's a carefully curated collection of pictures of Wolverine being daddy AF to console us during these difficult times. (More)

James Corden Reveals an RNC Twist That Shows Trump Is Desperate
By Bill Bradley
Hollywood — On his Monday night show, James Corden reviewed the lineup of speakers at this week’s RNC, which includes many, many Trumps. However, one speaker in particular stood out to him as a complete surprise: the president’s youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump. (More)

'Motel Slutville' Awaits Horny but Unsuspecting Travelers
By Staff
Montreal — When eight college buddies decide to hit the road together in search of adventure, they find more than they ever dreamed possible at Motel Slutsville, Masqulin studio's newest DVD, available now in the retail and wholesale markets. (More)

Gay Owner of Guesthouse Educates Homophobic Teen Caller in Best Way Possible
By David Hudson
Vernon Bridge — The Gay owner of a B&B in Canada has revealed how he helped educate a young man who’d left him homophobic voicemail messages. Jim Culbert, 69, has run the Green Gay Bulls bed and breakfast in Vernon Bridge, Prince Edward Island, on the eastern edge of Canada, for the past eight years. (More)

This Pro-LGBTQ Ad Will Air on Fox News When They Cover the Republican National Convention
By Bil Browning
Hollywood — The pro-LGBTQ group GLAAD will air a political ad during the Republican National Convention. The spot will focus on President Donald Trump’s atrocious history on LGBTQ rights. The brief ad features a young man speaking to his mother, a Trump supporter. (More)