April 6th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Donny Osmond - The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

The TechnoNerd Escaped
By Daddy
Las Vegas — I did get the current version of the backend moved to the test server. That's as far as I got. The cheap video switcher I was plannig to use was released in a new version. Not as cheap, but oh so many new features. Enough so that I updated the design for my planned video blogging system. Once you let the TechnoNerd out, time moves quickly and before I knew it, it was Sunday Morning and time for production. It did for a fun fantasy weekend.
We are once again short on reviews because I suspect of the novel coronavirus self-quarantine rules in effect in most places. We're heading into the peak of the outbreak, so I beg you please: "Be safe, Be sane, Be Healthy." We probably have several weeks before we can put this behind us!
I'm doing fine, just having to watch my pennies until about the 18th when a good commission check from flirt4free is expected. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Andrew Lloyd Webber Is Streaming His Musicals During Coronavirus Crisis
By Patrick Kelleher
Cyberspace — The acclaimed British composer will be allowing people to stream one of his musicals for 48 hours each week free during the coronavirus pandemic through YouTube. The initiative has been aptly titled The Shows Must Go On! and was kicked off with his 2000 adaptation of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (More)

Americans Brace for 'Hardest, Saddest' Week of Their Lives
By Danica Kirka and David Rising (AP)
Washington D.C. — Americans braced for what the nation's top doctor warned Sunday would be "the hardest and saddest week" of their lives while Britain assumed the unwelcome mantle of deadliest coronavirus hotspot in Europe after a record 24-hour jump in deaths that surpassed even hard-hit Italy. (More)

This Sex Worker Survived Hell to Teach Us Lessons in Forgiveness
By Mark King
Cyberspace — Somewhere well into Every Grain of Sand, the mesmerizingly sad and ultimately transformative new memoir by recovering addict and sex worker David P. Wichman, the reader might wonder just how much more they can take. (More)

'Tiger King's Saff Still Wants the Best for the Animals
By Mikelle Street
Cyberspace — In the crazy hectic world of big cats, career-long feuds, and murder there sits Saff. The relatively new Netflix show Tiger King has gripped the internet over the past few weeks and with it, it has brought a cast of chaotic characters. By the end of the series, almost no one comes out unsullied by scandal save a select few like Saff, for whom the safety of said big cats (and all the other animals on the properties) is paramount. (More)

Frank Ocean Released Two Moody New Tracks That May Calm You During This Crisis
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — : “In addition to being notoriously private personally, Frank Ocean is an aesthetically perfect artist for an indefinite period of self-isolation. As sparse, heart-wrenching R&B ballads about the beauty of love and loss, ‘Dear April’ and ‘Cayendo’ are both automatic entries into the canon of his songs for lying in bed alone, solemnly staring out a window, or just generally getting absorbed in your thoughts.” (More)

Older People Are Not the Only Ones Who Can Die From This Virus
By Sean Cahill
Cyberspace — It’s now clear that the early focus by health officials and media on the vulnerability of older adults to COVID-19 had disastrous and unintended consequences. These stories, coupled with initial public health guidance that only targeted older adults and those with underlying health conditions, falsely reassured everyone under the age of 65 that they had little to worry about if they contracted the disease. Even worse, by focusing on the coronavirus’s impact on older adults, we failed to convey the vital role that everyone, regardless of age, has to play in stopping the spread of the virus. The only way we are going to get through this pandemic is by staying at home as much as possible and limiting physical contact with others. (More)

Quentin Tarantino Says Shirtless Brad Pitt Is Like Gay Porn
By Brandon Voss
Unknown — “I go, ‘Okay, so I’m thinking maybe… you unbutton the Hawaiian shirt and you peel that off, and then peel off the Champion T-shirt,” Tarantino continued. “He was like, ’Really? You want me to go through all that button bullshit? I just take it off in one big go!'” (More)