April 14th, 2020
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Coverboy Easter Egg!

Rainy Day Blues
By Daddy
Las Vegas — It pretty much rained all day long; which my joints really object to. So I spend the majority of the day in bed and worked on the design for the Video equipment rack. I keep switching back and forth between using a guitar pedalboard and a 8U rack frame. which comes in a DIY kit that saves a lot of money.
As I work on the design for one, my loyalty is completely there; until I switch to the other one. The fun part is as I iterate between the two good idea flow from the one to the other. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, a lot of tradeoffs happen.
The whole chicken is in the oven with the experimental Asian Pear, Green Onions, and Walnuts stuffing. Preliminary indictions are that'l be a good mixture. I was able to score a spiral cut ham at $1.29/lb (you have to love Easter!) I've written up a low carb version of the Palmer House Brownies; if it works, I'll post the recipe.
We have a dearth of reviews because I suspect of the novel coronavirus self-quarantine rules in effect in most places. Please: Be safe, Be sane, Be Healthy!
Healthwise I'm doing fine other than suffering from seasonal ragweed allergies. Monitoring my vitals to be be cautious and every trip outside get's a "Do I really need to do that today?" decision. No wound doctor today as they are closed for Easter. I'm watching my pennies until about the 18th when a nice commission check from flirt4free is expected. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Levi's Released a Super Mario Collection to Get Your Nostalgia Going
By Mikelle Street
Cyberspace — Super Mario fans rejoice: It's now time to wear your favorite characters. In a range released today, Levi's has teamed up with Nintendo's Super Mario on a collection of hoodies, sweatshirts, denim, and even a bandana featuring some of our favorite cartoons. (More)

Netflix’s ‘Circus of Books’ Documentary Goes Inside America’s Biggest Gay Adult Bookstore
By Andy Towle
Hollywood — Debuting on Netflix on April 22 is Rachel Mason’s documentary Circus of Books, which takes a look at the history of America’s largest gay adult bookstore, the Los Angeles pornemporium which recently shuttered and was recently reopened as “Circus” by adult film producer Chi Chi LaRue. (More)

Will 'Modern Family' Get Spinoff With Gay Parents?
By Staff
Hollywood — After 11 seasons, "Modern Family" came to an end this moth when the ABC sitcom aired its series finale. But Deadline is reporting there's a chance that fans of the sitcom could see a spinoff with characters Mitchell Pritchett (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and his husband Cameron Tucker (Eric Stonestreet). (More)

Silly Straights, Easter Egg Dye Doesn’t Turn You Gay
By Brandon Voss
Cyberspace — Because everybody’s bored senseless this weekend, some old gay panic nonsense is being recirculated on social media. The post claims that an increased number of men have “contracted homosexuality” after eating pastel-colored Easter eggs. (More)

Fashion Nova's Rainbow Bandana
By Staff
Unknown — If you need a pop of color and still want to show off your Pride during these scary, uncertain times, popular fast-fashion brand Fashion Nova offers an assortment of multi-colored bandanas and scarves (like this affordable rainbow-colored one) that you can use as a protective face covering when going out in public and practicing social distancing. (More)

Three Ways to Look at Throuples
By John Casey
Cyberspace — I think one of the things that we have been grateful for during this period of isolation is the Tiger King. Outside of the coronavirus, what on earth would we be talking about if Joe Exotic had not lived such a rollicking life? And of course since we can't get enough, Netflix is giving us a final episode this weekend, airing the eighth and presumably last episode of the series that will feature interviews with Joe Exotic's husbands — past and present. (More)

Fitness Model Turned Actor Spencer Neville Shows Off His Delicious Cakes on ‘The Deleted’
By Staff
Unknown — Spencer Neville is showing off his delicious cakes in a just leaked steamy scene from The Deleted. “The Deleted is being billed as a cult thriller that follows the disappearance of three seemingly unconnected people from Los Angeles, which triggers paranoia among a group of twenty somethings who escaped from a cult a few years back,” writes The Hollywood Reporter. (More)