April 28th, 2020
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It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Very Frustrated Doctor

The Wound Doctor Is Now Very Frustrated
By Daddy
Unknown — Last week the wound doctor ordered a biopsy, a wound culture, and blood tests. He's now very frustrated. The biopsy was negative. The wound culture was negative. The blood test while not negative didn't reveal any information that he didn't already know. Afterwards the wound nurse visited and recertified the home care for another 60 days and is very sympathetic towards the doctor (I suspect that secretly she was laughing her head off.)
I've unpacked the new Kallax cube and while it's grey; it's not the same grey as the other cube. I'm going with it for now and see if they work well together. If they don't I'll order any one of this years grey. It's all laid out ready to be inventoried, the first step in any Ikea build. The credenza top and bottom are ready to go, with casters in attached.
The Chicken soup is done and since I went heavy on the mushrooms, it's especially wonderful. Once again the noodles sit neglected in the cupboard which is a good thing as I'm really not suppose to have them. I still have a tray of the 99¢/pound thighs which I think I'm going to bake up. It's a good thing I like chicken.
We have a few reviews that'll probably show up on Friday as we don't have enough for a full week. I am actually very proud that we're all practicing the novel coronavirus self-quarantine rules.
I've submitted the change of address postcard which once it's in place should be good for a year. We'll know if it worked when mail starts showing up with those distinctive yellow labels. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page which has been updated with the new address.

Watch 'Love, Simon's Hulu Spin-Off in Adorable First Trailer
By Mikelle Street
Unknown — Do you remember it? Do you remember being a young queer, coming into yourself and finding yourself with one of your first crushes? Maybe you went out of your way to spend extra time with the person? Their most mundane tasks became points of adoration? Well, all of those feelings come encapsulated in the first trailer for Hulu's Love, Victor, a spinoff of the 2018 film Love, Simon. (More)

Seniors With COVID-19 Show Unusual Symptoms, Doctors Say
By Judith Graham .
Cyberspace — Older adults with COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, have several "atypical" symptoms, complicating efforts to ensure they get timely and appropriate treatment, according to physicians. COVID-19 is typically signaled by three symptoms: a fever, an insistent cough and shortness of breath. But older adults — the age group most at risk of severe complications or death from this condition — may have none of these characteristics. (More)

Brad Pitt Plays Dr. Anthony Fauci on ‘Saturday Night Live'
By Adrian Garcia
Unknown — Brad Pitt impersonated Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in the latest episode of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live at Home.” Pitt, whom Fauci previously mentioned as his pick to portray him in a “Saturday Night Live” skit, opened the show by noting that “there’s been a lot of misinformation out there about the virus.” (More)

New HRC Report Puts Numbers to COVID-19’s Grave Financial Toll
By Sam Manzella
Washington D.C. — The report, released in collaboration with PSB Research, sourced data from an online poll of 1,000 adult Americans earlier this month. The findings are illuminating: While many Americans are dealing with a loss of income amid the pandemic, 30% of LGBTQ respondents reported cuts to their work hours compared to 22% of cisgender, heterosexual respondents. (More)

Philosopher Slavoj Žižek Pens Essay on Porn in the Age of COVID-19
By Gustavo Turner
Los Angeles — One of the world’s most renowned philosophers, Slavoj Žižek, has penned a rumination about sex and porn in the age of COVID-19. The essay, titled “Can COVID-19 Remind Us that Sex Is an Important Channel for Spirituality?” was published by the Russia-funded RT.com news site. (More)

COVID-19 Tests Not Yet Effective for PASS
By John Roland
Los Angeles — COVID-19 tests are not effective in guarding against on-set transmission of the coronavirus, and should not be used to determine on-set risk to talent and crew, Free Speech Coalition announced Monday. As of now, COVID-19 tests only detect whether or not a person has the virus at the time of the test. Someone who initially tests negative for COVID-19 can be exposed to the virus in the hours and days after the test, and subsequently pass it on to scene partners and crew. (More)

Chasten Buttigieg Speaks About Being Homeless at 17
By David Artavia
South Bend — During the interview, Chasten opened up about running away from home as a teenager and explained how LGBTQ centers today give young people the support he didn't have at the time. “I remember being 17, sleeping in the back of my car, feeling like nobody believed in me and that there was never going to be a future for me,” Chasten said, adding that while on the campaign trail, he and Pete visited several LGBTQ centers. (More)