April 15th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Buddy The Beagle

One Way Aisles...
By Daddy
Las Vegas — Today was my weekly visit to the wound doctor. They were closed yesterday for Easter. The hospital has put up two of those ambiguous white tents in the courtyard between the two buildings. Nobody inside as of yet and hopefully a "Just In Case" measure. No improvement in the wound which is frustrating the the Doctor as Medicade is declining all the treatments he has proposed even the one wound dressing that worked before. He plans to take a biopsy next week and is going to ask for samples of wound dressings that he wants to try.
The store was a bit more fun. The little blue signs on the floor have multiplied exponentially and they've added a new wrinkle. Most of the Aisles are now "One Way Isles." It should be interesting to see who's the first one asked to leave to going the wrong way down a one way aisle. Said goodbye to the mailbox provider and received my new drivers license just in time. Now days you have to provide identification to get a new Mailbox.
Finished the Asian pear chicken last night. A sweet smell and a subtle taste which I'm considering a win. I have the ingredients laid out for the "Low Carb Palmer House Brownie" to bake in the next day or so.
We have a dearth of reviews because I suspect of the novel coronavirus self-quarantine rules in effect in most places. Please: Be safe, Be sane, Be Healthy!
Health wise I'm doing fine other than suffering from seasonal ragweed allergies. Monitoring my vitals to be be cautious and every trip outside get's a "Do I really need to do that today?" decision. I'm watching my pennies until about the 18th when a nice commission check from flirt4free is expected. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

We Need Willie Norris' 'Promote Homosexuality' T-Shirt Now
By Mikelle Street
Unknown — Clothes are political ultimately. No matter whether you think about it or not, what you wear gives others insight into how you view yourself, and more importantly how you want to be viewed. That said, there are a few garments that certainly heighten the stakes, making your viewpoint clear — let's say a red ballcap with white text or even just a slogan t-shirt. Our favorite piece right now? The "Promote Homosexuality" tees that Willie Norris is selling on his newly launched webstore. (More)

Boston Gay Men's Chorus Goes Virtual to Remind Us About 'Everything Possible'
By Kilian Melloy
Boston — Needing a little uplift? This should do the trick. The Boston Gay Men's Chorus often includes the song "Everything Possible," by the Rev. Fred Small, in their concerts. Like so many other arts organizations, the Chorus was forced by the coronavirus pandemic to cancel performances this spring and summer, including both the annual March and June concerts. (More)

Vintage Viral Photo of Two Life Guards Who Might Be More Than Friends
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — A photo of two life guards has gone viral on Reddit because an inscription on the back of the photo suggests the two were more than friends. The photo has been shared on social media as early as a year ago but the origins remain unknown. (More)

Hilarious Queer Stand-Up Specials to Stream While You Quarantine
By Jeff Taylor
Hollywood — During times where it’s difficult to laugh, such as we’re in now, we find ourselves needing humor more than ever. Thankfully, we are living in something of a golden age for stand-up comedy, with streaming services offering access to specials new and old alike for your binge-watching pleasure. (More)

Next Door Studios Details Content Initiatives During Lockdown
By JC Adams
Los Angeles — Next Door Studios (NDS) has detailed several content initiatives designed to assist performers currently under lockdown because of "stay-at-home" orders and to offer increased value to subscribers. (More)

Americans Aren't Polarized on LGBTQ Equality, Survey Finds
By Trudy Ring
United States — There is broad support for LGBTQ equality across the U.S., despite how polarized the nation is on many other issues, according to survey results released today by the Public Religion Research Institute. (More)

Nick's Danger Force Airs Story of Gay Dads, Adoption, Shirtless Hero
By Staff
Hollywood — The episode, "Say My Name," which aired April 4, is a little complicated (it involves a jailbreak and a mistaken identity for a villain named The Toddler), but essentially, a team of kid superheroes-in-training help reunite a lost child named Ellis with his parents, who turn out to be a same-sex couple named Justin (Tommy Dickie) and Dustan (Brandon Claybon). (More)