April 20th, 2020
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Coverboy Buddy Beagle

Watching "One World: Together at Home"
By Daddy
Las Vegas — I was having trouble sleeping and as I often do, I started working on today's news leads. I somehow missed the One World: Together At Home concert last night however there it was on the Netflix's latest episodes menu. The perfect companion as I did my publication work. Brava to Lady Gaga and each and every one of the multitude of "old souls" that made it happen! Several of the segments brought tears to my eyes.
A big part of my survival (do I dare say: "Sanity?)" is that I've been keeping busy. I've designed a new workstation credenza that reuses an Ikea cube I already have, and adds another cube from Ikea that should be delivered on Wednesday. A bit of plywood that I can get from home depo where they'll do the three cuts I need done and some strategically placed 6" velcro circles will be the foundation for Ikea inserts I'll be reusing from other cubes. It has occupied my mind and in a few days will occupy my hands as I put a finish on the plywood and assemble the parts.
We have a dearth of reviews because of the novel coronavirus self-quarantine rules in effect in most localities. There are signs that we're past the worst of the coronavirus however it's a little too soon to relax yet. As Dr. Fauci says: "It's no time to back off yet. Please: Be Safe, Be Sane, Be Healthy!
I'm still watching my pennies, hopefully my flirt4free commission check will show up in the mailbox today. The old mailing address should be good for about 90 days and I'm working on getting a new address in place to replace the mail service that closed last Wednesday. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Celeb Photographer Mike Ruiz Is as Interesting as His Subjects
By Richard Perez-Feria
Cyberspace — The first time I laid eyes on Mike Ruiz, back in 1997, when he walked into my office to show me his photo book for a possible assignment, I remember thinking, He’s the photographer? We should be shooting him. But there he was, looking like a Tom of Finland illustration come to life, but smiling and giggling like a 9-year-old. It was then, as it is now, a contradictory cocktail of tough and sweet. (More)

Pro Cyclist in Italy Uses His Bike to Deliver Medicine
By Associated Press
Italy — There are no fans lining the road. No teammates providing support. And there is no race to win. Professional cyclist Davide Martinelli has achieved a moral victory, though, by using his bike to help deliver medicine to elderly residents and others in need during the coronavirus pandemic. (More)

This Sequel to ‘Call Me by Your Name’ Probably Isn’t the One You Expected
By Staff
Cyberspace — Brooklyn-based actor and videographer Benito Skinner, last seen here with his precocious viral impression of Queer Eye food guru Antoni Porowski, isn’t letting the COVID-prompted hold on production on the sequel to Call Me By Your Name stop him from debuting the official trailer. (More)

Indiana Election Officials’ Zoom Meeting Interrupted by Male Pornography
By Adrian Garcia
Cyberspace — A virtual meeting by the Indiana Election Committee was abruptly interrupted on Friday by a hacker who took over their screens and played a pornographic video. (More)

Austin Wolf Talks Content Creation, Fan Engagement During Coronavirus Lockdown
By JC Adams
Los Angeles — With traditional studio shoots on hold for the foreseeable future as the coronavirus pandemic unfolds, adult models have rapidly switched to self-produced content to earn a living — and stave off cabin fever. As a result, an established performer-producer like Austin Wolf is suddenly a sizzling hot commodity in an entirely new way. (More)

Polyamorous and Quarantined: How Are These Couples Making It Work?
By Staff
Cyberspace — Before coronavirus (COVID-19), Simon, 46, had never lived with both his husband Alex, 45 and their shared boyfriend Jack, 38. While they expected new challenges as they transitioned to a quarantined throuple, they weren’t prepared for what actually happened: one partner feeling excluded, even though they now spend every waking moment together. “My biggest fear is that the stress of this all is going to cause further rifts for us because we spend so much time together,” says Simon. (More)

Luke Evans' BF Helped Him Prep for His 'Gaston' Performance
By Taylor Henderson
Hollywood — Some of the world's biggest stars teamed up from their personal quarantines for a night of magic in ABC's Disney Family Singalong, including Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, Darren Criss, and openly gay actor Luke Evans. (More)