April 8th, 2020
Stats/Fees listed are the opinion of the reviewer and always assumed to be for time only.
It is not advisable to send advance payments to people that are not well-reviewed on the site.
Coverboy Kalax Cubes

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
By Daddy
Las Vegas — When TechnoNerds get quarantined bored they tend to play! I've been working on a new design for my workstation to solve several problems and reduce clutter (a TechnoNerd alway has clutter.) I've come up with a design that reuses several of my existing pieces, along with a small amount of purchases to create a customized storage solution. It's time for me to admit it, I really do have a fetish for the Kallex cubes.
I'm using the production backend located on the test server with no problems so far. We have dearth of reviews because I suspect of the novel coronavirus self-quarantine rules in effect in most places. Please: Be safe, Be sane, Be Healthy. We probably have a few weeks before we can put this behind us!
This weekends plan is to start the work on my workstation. I noticed that the top section of the desk has a metal screen that if removed would give me an inch or two more space for the monitors which have been crowded together for a couple years. This no cost change will give me a chance to relocate, reorient, and rearrange the equipment and as a bonus give the iMac a much needed memory upgrade.
I'm doing fine, just having to watch my pennies until about the 18th when a good commission check from flirt4free is expected. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

'Elite's Omar Ayuso Just Posted His Bush on Instagram
By Mikelle Street
Cyberspace — If you're a huge fan of Elite you may be going through withdrawals. The show's third season came out over a month ago and it's likely that you've binged all of the episodes and gotten all that you can out of Omar and Ander. But now, Omar is giving us a little something extra. Omar Ayuso, who plays Omar on the series, took to Instagram to reveal a bit more of himself to his followers. Yes, my friends, a full bush. (More)

Pandas Use Lockdown Privacy to Mate After a Decade of Trying
By (AFP)
Hong Kong — Like half the planet, Ying Ying and Le Le have only really had each other for company since coronavirus-caused lockdowns shut off the flow of guests to their themepark pad. Stuck at home with no visitors and not much else to do, a pair of pandas in Hong Kong finally decided to give mating a go after a decade of dodging the issue. (More)

Ireland's Gay Leader, Leo Varadkar, Resumes Medical Practice for Crisis
By Trudy Ring
Ireland — Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar is resuming his career as a doctor while continuing as head of government on a rotating basis. Varadkar, the nation’s first openly gay prime minister, re-registered as a physician last month to help out during the COVID-19 crisis, a spokesperson confirmed to national broadcaster RTE this week. He will take one shift a week, assessing patients by phone to free up others for in-person work. (More)

Sweet Treat: The Original Palmer House Brownie
By Staff
Unknown — Did you know that the brownie was created for the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago? This decadent taste of history can be recreated at home, using the original recipe from the Palmer House, a Hilton Hotel. (More)

The Older Gay Men Let Us Know How They’re Getting by Under Coronavirus Quarantine
By Andy Towle
Unknown — We’ve watched them try to interpret young gay slang, react to Troye Sivan videos, play Card Against Humanity, try to identify famous gays, play Never Have I Ever, identify pop star divas, respond to new song lyrics, clap back at mean comments, remember past loves, look back at Stonewall, react to the classic animated short In a Heartbeat, and meet Gus Kenworthy. (More)

The CDC Wants Us All Wearing Face Masks Now. So Naturally the Gays Got Creative
By Jeff Taylor
Cyberspace — Now that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has changed its stance and pivoted to recommending all Americans wear cloth face masks when in public, there has been a scramble to learn how to make them. (More)

Dance Instructor Slays With His Kitchen Quarantine Fashion Displays
By David Hudson
Unknown — A dancer and model who works between New York City and North Carolina has seen one of his social media postings from quarantine go viral. In it, Conor McKenzie, while confined to home, he shares the fact he’s been tempted to raid the fridge more than usual (something we can probably all relate to!). To brighten his day, he started styling the blanket he’s been wearing in different ways. (More)