April 9th, 2020
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Coverboy Workstation Design

Ikea Hacking
By Daddy
Las Vegas — It turns out that I'm not the only one with a Kallax fetish. Several people have asked about the Ikea hack that I'm designing. If you’re wondering what the heck is an IKEA hack, it’s a modification of an IKEA product. There's an entire website dedicated to the concept: Ikea Hackers.
The inspiration for my design came from The Kallax Workstation Extraordinaire. Their workstation was much longer than I need so it'll be shortened to 6.5 feet. I needed something that's about 18" deep, so I'm joining two pieces of 2x10s for the top. Because Ikea no longer sells the casters for the Kallax, a pair of joined 1x8s will be used for the cubes to sit on giving a place to mount the casters. Since I want to be able disassemble the workstation, I'll be using industrial velcro to attach the top and bottom.

The Ikea stores are all closed for the duration however they still deliver their products and I expect for my order to arrive in about two weeks. Home Depot is still open so the lumber, glue, and stain will be available when I get chance.
We have a dearth of reviews because I suspect of the novel coronavirus self-quarantine rules in effect in most places. Please: Be safe, Be sane, Be Healthy.
This weekends plan is to work on my current workstation. I noticed that the top section of the desk has a metal screen that if removed would give me an inch or two more space for the monitors which have been crowded together for a couple years. This no cost change will give me a chance to relocate, reorient, and rearrange the equipment and as a bonus give the iMac a chance for much needed memory upgrade.
I'm doing fine, just having to watch my pennies until about the 18th when a good commission check from flirt4free is expected. To all those that have donated, Thank you! Any help is appreciated. Here's a link to the How to Donate Page

Heath Ledger Blocked Gay 'Brokeback Mountain' Jokes at the Oscars
By Staff
Hollywood — The late Heath Ledger had no patience for jokes about Ang Lee’s film Brokeback Mountain, the iconic gay romantic drama involving a cowboy and ranch hand. That’s according to Jake Gyllenhaal, his co-star, in a new interview. (More)

Racial and Income Disparities Creep Into COVID-19 Care
By Blake Farmer, Nashville Public Radio
Nashville — The new coronavirus doesn't discriminate. But physicians in public health and on the front lines said they already can see the emergence of familiar patterns of racial and economic bias in the response to the pandemic. (More)

Ady Gaga Crashes Kimmel, Colbert, and Fallon to Announce Coronavirus ‘One World’ Benefit
By Andy Towle
Cyberspace — Lady Gaga made appearances on Jimmy Kimmel Live, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Monday night to promote One World: Together at Home, a star-studded two-hour special airing on ABC, CBS, NBC, Amazon Prime Video, Apple, Facebook, Instagram, Tencent, Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube on April 18 (More)

This Pandemic Exposed the Extreme Vulnerability of LGBTQ Youth
By Charlles A. Sumpter Jr.
World — The emergence of COVID-19 has greatly exposed the fragility of the American economy and social safety nets established to support underserved communities. COVID-19 reveals to many that the United States and the world are severely underprepared when it comes to combating new and more virulent outbreaks of disease and other disasters. We’ve found that these occurrences disproportionately affect some of the most vulnerable members of society, from the uninsured and underemployed to the homeless population, where we find many LGBTQ+ youth. (More)

“The Nanny” Virtual Table Read Is a Comforting, Noshy Nostalgia Trip
By Christopher Rudolph
Cyberspace — The cast reunited via Zoom—with Jacobson reading stage directions—and even though it’s been more than 20 years since the Sheffields left our screens, the actors were on their game, reading a script that still delivered the laughs. Spoiler alert: Renée Taylor still steals the show. (More)

They Know Tenants Can't Pay, So These Landlords Aren't Collecting Rent
By Harry Cheadle
California (North) — The way Dennis Beaver tells it, waiving April rents for his tenants was an easy call for him and his wife. "We were having dinner and we looked at each other, and we both instantly had this notion," the Bakersfield, California, landlord and attorney said. "Let's forgive rent for the month of April. Let's do something to help our tenants. And there was no major thought process. It just struck us at that time as being the right thing to do, the morally and ethically correct thing to do." (More)

Trainer Ian Armstrong on Why You Should Take an Edible Before a Workout
By David Reddish
Cyberspace — How do you balance staying in shape and having fun? I work out five or six times a day simply because of my client base. I’m a work-a-holic, and generally, a lot of my friends are in the cannabis industry. If I’m not working, I’m hanging out with friends in the industry. Most of my friends are also clients. (More)